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Aahhh to be young and in love.

What I noticed is that is very much a teenager/young adult kind of manga. The intensity of your feelings at that age is also very much present in this manga. I realized I was reading a translation but that doesn't diminish the message. Which is very positive for everybody but especially about love. And how to be a good partner to somebody. I say that's the message but it goes without saying that's what I take away.

i totally adore this manga. And can't recommend it enough to teenagers/young adults.
Jonesy_now | Hi ha 4 ressenyes més | Sep 24, 2021 |
this really brought back memories of high school. I was way too self involved to notice bullying but I do remember the feels you had for liking a boy or the extreme jealousy some people had. I adore this series. I reminds people of the feelings at that age but it stands up to time. I started reading it at the same age the characters were (or perhaps a bit older) and I was afraid I wouldn't like it as much now.

so glad that's not the case.

on to the next one!
Jonesy_now | Hi ha 6 ressenyes més | Sep 24, 2021 |
I was thinking the first three (?) chapters that a culture difference was showing. In my country we wouldn't be so alarmed when a students grade would drop one test. Not even the top two. Also I could not imagine we would go so far to suggest those top two students should break up for their own good.
It seems such an... 'alien' thing to do.

Then this page showed up:

And I was reminded that some things are universal. Such as parents who do trust their children because their children never gave them any reason not to. SO MUCH LOVE!

p.s. I forgot how awful peer pressure sometimes can be...
Jonesy_now | Hi ha 3 ressenyes més | Sep 24, 2021 |
*sniff sniff* I'm so glad this one stood up the test of time!

I started reading this one... in high school I think. It was one of my first manga I bought. I remember because I bought it on something called the Boekenfestijn and that year they only had one small table of manga. I already started reading manga online so I was very excited I could finally buy some! I didn't got the first one then. I do remember that but once I stared reading... That was it. This manga series was also the longest I tried to collect all. I once bought a few volumes in Spanish (?) because of false information but I forgot I had it and couldn't return it when I finally came around to reading.

I did noticed just now that the first volume reads as a stand alone. Also I have to be careful with the paperback because I broke the spine!

For an short manga story it sure packs a punch and I'm very glad to reread this one while I'm better at adulting.
Jonesy_now | Hi ha 6 ressenyes més | Sep 24, 2021 |
The things you remember when you're rereading a book again.

This one had a distinctly dark feeling. I remember that I thought Arima was a pushover. A goody-goody. Until he didn't want to let Yukino go. At the time I found that very romantic. Now I'm older... not so much...

But... you can really see the first dark emotional struggle Arima has to go through. And how Yukino ties into it.
Jonesy_now | Hi ha 5 ressenyes més | Sep 24, 2021 |
Tsubasa is my least favorite character... And still her story made me smile... Aahhh.
Jonesy_now | Hi ha 6 ressenyes més | Sep 24, 2021 |
There's a bit less comedy in this volume then there is in the anime - and I'd definitely consider that a detriment to the work, rather then a bonus. I still enjoyed it, but I wouldn't say that this was superior to the show.

Also, the volume takes a weird detour away from the main story to two other characters which didn't appear at any point in the show. Is this just a one-and-done chapter to pad the volume, or something else?
Count_Zero | Hi ha 6 ressenyes més | Jul 7, 2020 |
This review is written with a GPL 4.0 license and the rights contained therein shall supersede all TOS by any and all websites in regards to copying and sharing without proper authorization and permissions. Crossposted at WordPress, Blogspot & Librarything by Bookstooge’s Exalted Permission

Title: Kare Kano: His & Her Circumstances #5
Author: Masami Tsuda
Rating: 4 of 5 Stars
Genre: Manga
Pages: 192
Words: 6.1K


Chapter 17: Miyazawa has a girls afternoon out with everyone and we get how some of the other girls met and what drew them together. They also start talking about their futures and Miyazawa realizes she has no plans for the future besides being the best at school. The chapter ends with Tsubasa revealing that her dad wants to re-marry and that she is running away to change his mind.

Chapte 18: Tsubasa tries to wheedle a way into staying at Miyazawa's place, but one of her other friends takes control and tells her to grow up and that her dad will be coming to deal with the situation after work. He shows up and begins relating what has led up to this moment. Tsubasa ends up staying at Miyazawa's house until things get better between Tsubasa and her dad. We are introduced to Kazuma, the son of the woman Tsubasa's dad wants to marry. He's the same age as Tsubasa and has his own reservations about the marriage.

Chapter 19: Tsubasa realizes she's been acting like a spoiled brat and goes home. She tells her dad she's ok with the re-marriage. They all get together to meet the son, for the first time. Things seem to be going well until Kazuma makes a comment about Tsubasa being in elementary school when she is actually older than him. She goes off the rails. The next day Tsubasa is being hit on by an old pervert and Kazuma comes to her rescue. They end up going to his house and have a real good bonding time. Tsubasa realizes that Kazuma comes home to an empty house every day just like her and that he understands her circumstances. She begins to realize how good having a family could be.

Chapter 20: Asaba comes to visit Miyazawa and her family while Arima is away. We get some of his backstory. Miyazawa is also starting to realize just how much she doesn't know about Arima and it makes her feel very insecure.

Chapter 21: Miyazawa and her family go to visit her grandfather. Her father remembers her mother at that age and says Miyazawa is growing up to look just like her. Miyazawa's father and maternal grandfather don't get along. We get the backstory for Miyazawa's father as he grew up without any parents and how he met Miyazawa's mom.

My Thoughts:

This was a good volume. I enjoyed the various storylines about all the different families. I suspect most of my enjoyment was because the teen romance angle was almost non-existent and this was more about family relationships.

That being said, I am done with the series. Just like I can no longer eat a family sized bag of 4 Cheese Doritos (I was so sad when they stopped making that kind) like I could in my 20's, I simply can't read about the emotional roller coaster that is the teen life. Just like the stick in the mud that I take my life's inspiration from, I am comfortably settled and don't want anything unsettling me :-)

I am thinking my next comic/manga/graphic novel read will probably either be some Asterix books or the Lodoss: Grey Witch trilogy manga.

BookstoogeLT | Hi ha 6 ressenyes més | Apr 27, 2020 |
This review is written with a GPL 4.0 license and the rights contained therein shall supersede all TOS by any and all websites in regards to copying and sharing without proper authorization and permissions. Crossposted at WordPress, Blogspot & Librarything by Bookstooge’s Exalted Permission

Title: Kare Kano: His & Her Circumstances #4
Author: Masami Tsuda
Rating: 3 of 5 Stars
Genre: Manga
Pages: 192
Words: 6.1K


Chapter 13: We are introduced to a new character, Tsubasa. She's been in the hospital but has had her eye on Arima for quite some time. She now vows, in true typical highschoolgirl drama fashion, to break up Miyazawa and Arima. She's not subtle about it and Arima catches her in the act. Miyazawa realizes she is doing it because she is jealous while Arima is left wondering why his middleschool friend is acting so weird. Miyazawa is dealing with this while still being ostracized in her own classroom.

Chapter 14: Arima finally realizes something is going on between Miyazawa and all the other girls. Miyazawa makes him promise to stay out of it and let her handle the situation. Tsubasa continues her campaign to fight against Miyazawa, but all of Tsubasa's friends start liking Miyazawa for how she handles the situation and they end up all going out for juice. Tsukino, the girl who has been uniting the class against Miyazawa, is forced to confront Miyazawa and shows her true colors. She also runs into Tsubasa who lays claim to the title of “Miyazawa's Arch Enemy”.

Chapter 15: Several story threads about Miyazawa making both Tsubasa and Tsukino, while not exactly her friends, at least not her enemies.

Chapter 16: Arima reveals that he's going to be super busy for the summer and won't be able to hang out with Miyazawa for a month. Everyone gets angsty.

Extra Chapter: A story about aliens and humans and everyone accepting everyone else, blah blah blah.

My Thoughts:

Oh man, what do I say about this without sounding like a negative nancy?

This is a highschool romance drama written by a woman. As such, it isn't in my usual area of enjoyment. It is meant for a person who is emotionally unsettled, or wants to re-experience that unsettled feeling again (why any adult would want to do that is beyond me). A teen or young adult will eat this up, as it will validate everything they're experiencing. Man, I remember those days and you know what, I'm glad they are behind me. I don't think there is anything wrong with manga like these, they just aren't for me anymore.

I thought I could continue to read these, but I am having a much harder time than I expected. I'm going to try one more volume, but my hopes aren't very high. I've outgrown these and there is no going back (thank goodness!)

BookstoogeLT | Hi ha 6 ressenyes més | Apr 13, 2020 |
This review is written with a GPL 4.0 license and the rights contained therein shall supersede all TOS by any and all websites in regards to copying and sharing without proper authorization and permissions. Crossposted at WordPress, Blogspot & Librarything by Bookstooge’s Exalted Permission

Title: Kare Kano: His & Her Circumstances #3
Author: Masami Tsuda
Rating: 3.5 of 5 Stars
Genre: Manga
Pages: 192
Words: 6.1K


Miyazawa takes her two younger sisters over to Arima's house and they go nuts planting sunflowers in the big yard. Asaba walks out of the house in just a bathrobe and starts needling Miyazawa. Once he sees what her little sisters are doing though, he starts helping them out. Miyazawa and Arima discuss the recent final exams and feel like their relationship has taken a toll on their grades. The next day at school the results are posted and both have dropped in the rankings. They are called to the main office and several of the teachers tell them to stop dating and concentrate on their schoolwork.

Miyazawa breaks out into her “home mode” attitude and tells the teachers they are wrong. When they begin to remonstrate, Arima steps in and says that they're grades will improve so there is no need to worry. Miyazawa realizes that her goals have shifted from wanting to be Number One to wanting to be a real genuine person and that Arima wants the same and is supportive of that goal. The chapter ends with Yukino's parents (Miyazawa) being called to a parent/teacher conference at her school.

Yukino relates how her parents reacted, which was for her dad to go all gung-ho in her defense, as he and Yukino's mom were married young. Both of her parents promise to bring weapons to the conference and “fight” for their daughter! At the conference both sets of guardians and the 2 students are there. The teacher outlines his worries and asks the guardians to step in and prevent the relationship from interfering with the students' academic life. Yukino's dad pretty much tells the teacher to stuff it (very politely) as their policy is to let their children choose their own path. Arima's Aunt and Uncle also say that Arima acting like a normal teenager is actually a comfort to them and they will not interfere. Yukino and Arima apologize to the teacher for their reactions to his statement and he admits he didn't handle things in the best way, so peace is achieved and both of the kids realize they do need to concentrate on their studies.

It is Make-Up day at school, so both Yukino and Arima have the day off. Yukino heads over to Arima's house and gets all flustered and girly when Arima tells her that his guardians won't be there. So when she arrives she's prepared for some sort of seduction. Only to find Asaba in the kitched cooking and acting like Arima's house maid. Asaba failed most of his classes but didn't realize today was Make-Up day, so they hustle him off to school, like parents of a not-particularly bright child. They end up in Arima's room....reading. Yukino pesters Arima until he pays attention to her and they share another kiss. Yukino feels very grown up and Arima lets her know how much self-control he exerts when around her.

The girls of Yukino's class are discussing her and Arima and another girl starts talking about how fake Yukino is and casting doubt into the minds of the other girls about whether Yukino is actually so good. She says that Yukino has captured Arima's heart through false pretenses and causes the girls to turn against Yukino. Tsukino (the new character) begins a campaign of smear tactics and little by little turns the class against Yukino. Tsukino was head of her class in middle grade and resents that Yukino has eclipsed her. Yukino admits to herself that it bothers her but vows to keep on going and let the chips fall where they may.

My Thoughts:

Reading this, I was struck by how much I actually agreed with the teacher about the relationship between Yukino and Arima. Now, I completely disagreed about how he handled things, ie, calling them into the office and forbidding them from seeing each other, but I wonder/suspect if that is more a cultural thing. Tell an American he can't do something and chances are he'll just tell you to go to Tartarus as he's an Independent Entity. With the Japanese being much more Group Oriented, the behavior of the teacher makes more sense. I would have talked to the parents alone and gotten their input first and foremost. But yep, I agreed with him that putting a highschool relationship before your grades is a big no-no.

I had to laugh when Yukino went over to Arima's and they ended up reading together. Mrs B and I do that all the time and thankfully, we're both content in that. I think a big part of that though is that we're mature, married and a lot more confident about the other person then when we had first gotten married. So I totally understood Yukino's reaction to it.

The introduction of Tsukino as a character and her “snake in the grass” approach is definitely very high school drama'y. Her campaign to turn the girls against Yukino, which works and happens in like 2 days, is sad in how much truth it contains about how easily kid's minds are manipulated. I don't remember what happens, so I have no idea whether she'll end up like Asaba (starting out as an enemy and turning into a friend) or if she stays a nemesis. My goodness though, makes me glad I'm not a girl.

Overall, I enjoyed this a lot more than I was expecting but I think my one volume per month rule is helping in that regards. Not sure I could handle more than that and not burn out. My emotions, while not burning so bright, are steady. After the turbulence of my own teen and 20something years, I welcome that steadiness. I guess I am liking this series because it is helping me see how I have changed over the years and that just fascinates me!

BookstoogeLT | Hi ha 3 ressenyes més | Feb 17, 2020 |
This review is written with a GPL 4.0 license and the rights contained therein shall supersede all TOS by any and all websites in regards to copying and sharing without proper authorization and permissions. Crossposted at WordPress, Blogspot & Librarything by Bookstooge’s Exalted Permission

Title: Kare Kano: His & Her Circumstances #2
Author: Masami Tsuda
Rating: 3.5 of 5 Stars
Genre: Manga
Pages: 192
Format: Paperback Copy


Miyazawa and Arima continue their relationship but both are still dealing with putting up a fake persona for the public to see. Arima catches Miyazawa ostensibly reading Bridges of Madison County but that is just a cover for her reading a fashion magazine. Of course, everyone also thinks they are going out as a couple but the truth is they are just friends, even while having feelings for each other.

Miyazaw has decided that she will return Arima's confession but every time she tries to confess to him, she gets interrupted. She is also wondering if Arima still likes her and just doesn't have the courage to tell him how she feels. Arima asks her, again, for her answer to his confession and she runs away. She realizes that she is afraid of letting someone in to her life and decides that she will answer Arima. The next day in class she holds his hand and that is her answer.

2 months pass and the school festival begins. Both Miyazaw and Arima, being the top of their class, are on committees for everything and are as busy as can be. Neither know how to deal with being so busy and having a relationship. They realize that they can't have a “normal” relationship and so must make what they have work. Once they realize that, things start to go much smoother for them.

The next chapter introduces Hideaki Asaba, one of Arima's friends, who is also good looking, smart and popular. Miyazawa decides to introduce herself and Asaba cuts her off sharply. A war begins between them until Arima tells Miyazaw that Asaba is just someone he talks to. Asaba and Miyazawa meet and Asaba reveals that his interest in Arima is to use him as a magnet to attract more girls, as Asaba's dream is to have a generic harem of girls around him at all times. Asaba plays on Miyazawa's doubt about her worthiness to be with Arima and it shows in her behavior. Arima takes Asaba to task for hurting Miyazawa. Asaba and Miyazaw make up and become mutual friends and Asaba grows up a little by giving up his dream of becoming a Harem King.

The final chapter is a review chapter of how Miyazawa and Arima met, from Arima's perspective.

My Thoughts:

This is definitely a manga that I can only take in very small doses. The amount of “emotions” swirling around is akin to a hurricane. And yet, it made me remember my first time of falling in love. I was 19 and from that point on, until I met and married Mrs B, I was a maelstrom on the inside, with chaos occasionally breaking out to reveal that inner turmoil. All I can say is thank goodness we don't remain teenagers with hormones forever. You can't sustain that level of emotion forever without burning out.

So I guess I'm bashing on this series and praising it all at the same time?

Arima, the male main character, is definitely not your normal male. He's one of those feel'ers and this makes him a lot more vulnerable. Being of this bent myself, I really felt bad for him even while yelling at him in my head to man up and stop whining. What he needs is a mentor and I know that never happens in this series. That could be an interesting side of things in a shojo manga.

Now Miyazawa on the other hand is everything I expect from a teen girl. Even a wicked smart, determined one. She looks at Arima and turns into butter, a little pile of sighing, melted butter I might add. I'd have thought it was over the top except Mrs B has made it known that, no, this happens. So I just accept it as one of those mysteries of life :-D

The drama has ratcheted up already, with the introduction of Asaba and the war between him and Miyazawa. Thankfully, the friendship isn't destroyed and Asaba turns into an ally. Friendship is much more important to young people than romantic interest even if they don't think so. I like to see friendship and romance being allies and not enemies and so far the manga-ka is doing that dance rather well.

Speaking of the manga-ka, she does a LOT in the side bars of each page. She does little stick'ish figure type drawings of herself and things she's interested in. It is funny little things and adds to the sweet, saccharine flavor of the manga.

BookstoogeLT | Hi ha 4 ressenyes més | Jan 20, 2020 |
This review is written with a GPL 4.0 license and the rights contained therein shall supersede all TOS by any and all websites in regards to copying and sharing without proper authorization and permissions. Crossposted at WordPress, Blogspot & Librarything by Bookstooge’s Exalted Permission

Title: Kare Kano: His & Her Circumstances #1
Series: Kare Kano: His & Her Circumstances #1
Author: Masami Tsuda
Rating: 4 of 5 Stars
Genre: Manga
Pages: 192
Format: Digital Edition


Yukino Miyazawa is an average girl who works excessively hard to present a perfect social image. Her true identity is discovered by her rival, Soichiro Arima who blackmails her into helping him maintain his status as the perfect student. Their interactions cause Yukino to fall in love with Soichiro who likewise, discovers his true personality under his stoic facade. Soichiro begins to express angst in his new personality, believing he will become like his abusive parents. However, Yukino comforts him and Soichiro confesses his love to her in response.

There is a smaller second story about a young woman who hides because she is afraid and a young man who accidentally gets involved in her life. She begins to learn to not be afraid and he begins to learn to think about other people instead of just brushing them aside.

My Thoughts:

Given that this is my third time reading this you'd think I'd remember more beyond knowing it is a highschool drama. But nope, not a bleeding thing. So this was like reading it for the first time.

First off, I appear to have a soft spot for highschool drama, even while castigating it and rolling my eyes. Otherwise I can't explain why I enjoyed this so much. Two 15 year olds filled with young pride and angst learning to navigate Life and thinking that nobody before them has ever encountered the same horrible problems that are currently destroying their lives. Hahahahahaa.

I am not expecting to be able to make it through the whole series even while I really enjoyed this volume. The second couple's story I think sets the theme for the whole series. The two main characters and their issues and then side stories about ancillary characters.

Not a bad way to spend an hour or so.

BookstoogeLT | Hi ha 6 ressenyes més | Dec 2, 2019 |
2007 Review:

Kare Kano #1-3 (His & Her Circumstances) "perfect" girl meets "perfect" guy. Both discover the other is a fake, fall in love and try to balance school, being perfect and being themselves."
BookstoogeLT | Hi ha 6 ressenyes més | Dec 10, 2016 |
2007 Review:

Kare Kano #1-3 (His & Her Circumstances) "perfect" girl meets "perfect" guy. Both discover the other is a fake, fall in love and try to balance school, being perfect and being themselves. "
BookstoogeLT | Hi ha 4 ressenyes més | Dec 10, 2016 |
2007 Review:

Kare Kano #1-3 (His & Her Circumstances) "perfect" girl meets "perfect" guy. Both discover the other is a fake, fall in love and try to balance school, being perfect and being themselves. "
BookstoogeLT | Hi ha 3 ressenyes més | Dec 10, 2016 |
While I enjoyed the story of Kazuma and Tsubasa, I felt that this was a step down from the previous volumes. I would rather have the main story than these side stories.
Zensunni42 | Nov 15, 2016 |
This volume was extremely well put together. The play was fascinating, especially the impact that it had on Soichiro. The ending was downright ominous! I can't wait to find out how Soichiro's personal demons are going to throw a monkey wrench into their lives.
Zensunni42 | Hi ha 1 ressenya més | Nov 15, 2016 |
*Not particularly of this story, but more cutesy reads. I need some fluffy love in my life; I've been reading about too many deaths and sorrows.*

I think I won't ever finish describing the cuteness in this volume. It was so cute, so beautiful, so perfect...½
LiindaSnow97 | Hi ha 1 ressenya més | Jun 27, 2016 |
This was such a cute read! I can feel my heart swollen from the cuteness overload! Loved it, it's a short funny read you finish in no time!
LiindaSnow97 | Hi ha 2 ressenyes més | Jun 27, 2016 |
Still more about Tsubasa and Kazuma but after this volume we go back to Yukino and Siochiro. Tsubasa loves Kazume and he loves her but they do not know what to do. Kazuma feels that Tsubasa just loves him because he is safe. That she does not love him the same way that he loves her. But of course Tsuabasa does but she is just scared because it is a grown-up feeling and that scares her. They work through it and are engaged at the end of the volume. The real important thing that happens is the time jump. We are going to be continuing the story at the end of high school. I have no idea where this is going to go after because it will not be a high school romance for much longer. More drama to come.

I give this volume a Five out of Five stars.
lrainey | May 25, 2016 |
Soichiro is finally dealing with his past and his feelings about his family. He is very angry and that does scare him but it is very normal. Soichiro has to learn how to deal with what has happened to him and this is one way to do that. In addition his parents want him to think about what he wants to do with his life not what he thinks that they want. In the end we get to see some of his birth mother and she is going to be coming into the story soon. So more adult thinking happens and more Drama ahead.

I give this volume a Five out of Five stars.
lrainey | May 25, 2016 |
The first part of the volume is about how Maho met and started dating her older boyfriend. It was sweet but the age difference did bother me. It is talked about how much older he is than her and how that will affect their relationship. The last half is on the school trip to Kyoto. Things go back to normal with everyone acting like teenagers. Yukino and Soichiro have some time to themselves and it sweet. Everyone else's adventures are pretty funny. Nothing about Soichiro's 'dark side'; just him and Yukino enjoying themselves together. More Drama ahead!

I give this volume a Five out of Five stars. I get nothing for my review and I bought this manga with my own money.
lrainey | May 4, 2016 |
Most of this volume is the play which is an allegory for the story of the manga itself. Which is fun but after a little while I wanted to get back to what was really going on in the story. That said I really enjoyed the play. But I enjoying watching Tonami and Tsubaki come together with what they both need and want from a relationship. The things happening the background of the festival were fun and funny to read. Yukino and company do not get much character growth but with more sinister overtones around Soichiro; I am sure that is coming. What is a little drama in a high school manga? Totally needed that is what.

I give this volume a Four out of Five stars. I get nothing for my review and I bought this manga with my own money.
lrainey | Hi ha 1 ressenya més | May 4, 2016 |
The blurb makes the plot sound much more intense that it really is. Yes, Soichiro is dealing with some jealously but he is not dangerous. He does not attack or hurt anyone. He ignores them. That does hurt Tonami's feeling but they are working it out. The real plot is Yukino and her friends are going to do a play for the school festival and all that chaos with it. Soichiro is trying to handle loving and being loved in return as best as he can. But with his damaged background of rejection from family, that makes it hard for him. But I know that there is more Drama ahead.

I give this manga a Five out of Five stars. I get nothing for my review and I bought this manga with my own money.
lrainey | May 4, 2016 |
A good plot book. Other characters get some characters development and Yukino is trying something new. We get more hints about what is going in Soichiro's head but still not very clear. I do think it's funny the way the plot is trying to make him seem like a hidden bad guy when he is just trying to deal with his feelings of love and loss. The way that Soichiro was drawn for some scenes just made me laugh but maybe I am just too far from being that age to really see any harm in his feelings. If he was acting them out that would be different but just having feelings is not and I think that is something everyone needs to learn on their own. More Drama Ahead.

I give this volume a Five out of Five stars. I get nothing for my review and I bought this manga with my own money.
lrainey | May 4, 2016 |