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Sapiens: een beeldverhaal 3. Kampioenen van de geschiedenis. Auteur: Yuval Noah Harari. Coscenarist: David Vandermeulen. Illustrator: Daniel Casanave. Inkleurder: Claire Champion.

Ik zou alles van Harari willen lezen maar daar heb ik het geduld én de tijd niet voor. Gelukkig is er ondertussen ook de Sapiens: beeldverhaal-reeks. Vergis je niet: ook dit zijn ferme kleppers, deel 3 telt bijvoorbeeld 273 pagina’s. Ook geen hapklaar tussendoortje dus maar wel heel leesbaar én begrijpbaar.

Dit derde deel gaat over de vraag: wie is de kampioen van de geschiedenis? Wie/wat zorgde ervoor dat de ‘de mensheid’ voor het eerst als één groep kon worden gezien? Was het geld? Of religie? Of toch de opkomst van de wereldrijken? Deze drie fenomenen worden vertegenwoordigd door 3 kandidaten in een glamoureuze spelshow. Ze tonen hun invloed aan door ons doorheen de geschiedenis hun ontstaan en groei te laten zien. Klinkt misschien een beetje abstract maar het is heel goed gedaan.

Qua concept en uitwerking is het een geniale zet: op een toffe, flitsende manier wordt het publiek in de zaal (en wij lezers) onderwezen zonder dat het als schooltv aanvoelt. De glamour van de spelshow doet me een beetje aan De Hongerspelen denken, de scores met bordjes van de jury hinten dan weer naar de vele talentenshows waar ze ons tegenwoordig met om de oren slaan.

Als je je afvraagt wie van de drie wint kan ik alvast dit zeggen: er komt een vierde deel aan…

Is Harari onfeilbaar en alleswetend? Nee, natuurlijk niet. Dat weet ik sinds ik Eva van Cat Bohannon las en dat weet hij (gelukkig) zelf ook zoals hij in een disclaimer schrijft. Toch blijven zijn boeken één van de beste manieren om de geschiedenis en de wereld van nu beter te begrijpen. Ferme aanrader voor klein én groot!
Els04 | Apr 26, 2024 |
In Sapiens: A Graphic History, Volume Two: The Pillars of Civilization, Yuval Noah Harari, David Vandermeulen, and Daniel Casanave adapt Harari’s Sapiens: a Brief History of Humankind. Harari appears as the narrator, leading the reader through interactions with various experts in biology, physiology, chemistry, archaeology, and history as they examine how Homo sapiens mastered agriculture, developed new myths, created civilizations around the world, and what this says about the differences in biology and culture. In describing the rise of complex civilizations amid the agricultural revolution, Harari, Vandermeulen, and Casanave argue, “Anxieties and worries are the building blocks of the state” (p. 78). They continue, “There are twin pillars to every large-scale human order – mythology and… bureaucracy!” (p. 153). Naturally, most of these orders create inequality that uses mythology about supposed divinely-ordained orders to justify the very inequalities they create. In discussing the differences between biological sex and the cultural construction of gender, Harari, Vandermeulen, and Casanave argue, “Things that break the laws of nature just don’t exist. If something does exist, then that means that it complies with the laws of nature!” (p. 218). They conintue, “Most of the laws, norms, rights and obligations that define masculinity and femininity reflect cultural preferences more than biological necessities” (p. 221). Like the first volume, the graphic medium works particularly well for tackling these complex topics in an accessible format for readers of all ages. The creative team never talks down to their audience, but they work to clearly explain each topic and its deeper connection to the overall theme of the book. More to the point, there’s a sense of fun about Sapiens: A Graphic History that increases the accessibility of these topics.
DarthDeverell | Hi ha 9 ressenyes més | Dec 24, 2023 |
In Sapiens: A Graphic History, Volume One, Yuval Noah Harari, David Vandermeulen, and Daniel Casanave adapt Harari’s Sapiens: a Brief History of Humankind. Harari appears as the narrator, leading the reader through interactions with various experts in biology, physiology, chemistry, and more as they examine how Homo sapiens became the dominant human species, what this meant for other human species, and how we changed the biosphere as we spread around the world. The graphic medium works particularly well for tackling these complex topics in an accessible format for readers of all ages. The creative team never talks down to their audience, but they work to clearly explain each topic and its deeper connection to the overall theme of the book. More to the point, there’s a sense of fun about Sapiens: A Graphic History that increases the accessibility of these topics.
DarthDeverell | Hi ha 18 ressenyes més | Nov 23, 2023 |
While there's so much interesting information, it is so much better in a book and not a graphic novel which feels too busy
Moshepit20 | Hi ha 9 ressenyes més | Sep 19, 2023 |
I didn't enjoy this graphic novel as much as volume 1. I did find the information interesting and I like the way it was presented. I just felt like I was getting bogged down in the weeds and the pace was slow at times. It took me much longer to read this book vs. the first book.
Shauna_Morrison | Hi ha 9 ressenyes més | Sep 9, 2023 |
I had such high hopes for these graphic novel adaptations, but they just fall flat for me. I don't care for the illustration style, and somehow the fascinating information contained in the original book has been rendered here mind-numbingly dull. Books 3 and 4 have not yet been published, but I don't think I'm going to continue with the series when they are. Disappointing.
ryner | Hi ha 9 ressenyes més | Sep 2, 2023 |
This graphic novel adaptation of Harari's book Sapiens, the first of (I believe) four volumes, is okay. While I wasn't in love with the illustration style, I'll likely continue with subsequent volumes because the content is interesting to me, and a periodic information refresher is always welcome. Overall, I'd recommend the full-length book over the graphic novel.
ryner | Hi ha 18 ressenyes més | Aug 30, 2023 |
An interesting look at the rise of homo sapiens. I enjoyed learning about the different species of "homo" that existed before homo sapiens became the only species.
Shauna_Morrison | Hi ha 18 ressenyes més | Aug 20, 2023 |
I have been curious about Harari's book for a while and when I saw it had been turned into a graphic novel, I had to check it out. The adaptation is utterly brilliant. There are so many various ways that have been found to visually show us the various concepts really make the information digestible and entertaining without being overwhelming. The art work is lovely and the lettering makes it easy to read. I do have some questions about some of the conclusions that Harari draws but the work of Vandermeulen and Casanave earn this 5 stars.
mktoronto | Hi ha 18 ressenyes més | Jan 25, 2023 |
Bringing in Kafka (who is only identified as Franz K) to talk about the development of beauracracy is utterly brilliant. Lots of little jokes sprinkled in if you understand the references. Again,fascinating material presented in a very engaging way. A stunning work.
mktoronto | Hi ha 9 ressenyes més | Jan 25, 2023 |
This second volume of Sapiens: A Graphic History, the full-color graphic adaptation of Yuval Noah Harari’s #1 New York Times bestseller, focuses on the Agricultural Revolution—when humans fell into a trap we’ve yet to escape: working harder and harder with diminishing returns.

What if humanity’s major woes—war, plague, famine and inequality—originated 12,000 years ago, when Homo sapiens converted from nomads to settlers, in pursuit of the fantasy of productivity and efficiency? What if by seeking to control plants and animals, humans ended up being controlled by kings, priests, and Kafkaesque bureaucracy? Volume 2 of Sapiens: A Graphic History – The Pillars of Civilization explores a crucial chapter in human development: the Agricultural Revolution. This is the story of how wheat took over the world; how an unlikely marriage between a god and a bureaucrat created the first empires; and how war, plague, famine, and inequality became an intractable feature of the human condition.

But it’s not all doom and gloom with this book’s cast of entertaining characters and colorful humorous scenes. Yuval, Zoe, Prof. Saraswati, Cindy and Bill (now farmers), Detective Lopez, and Dr. Fiction, all introduced in Volume 1, once again travel the length and breadth of human history, this time investigating the impact the Agricultural Revolution has had on our species. The cunning Mephisto shows them how to ensnare humans, King Hammurabi lays down the law, and Confucius explains harmonious society. The origins of modern farming are introduced through Elizabethan tragedy; the changing fortunes of domesticated plants and animals are tracked in the columns of the Daily Business News; the story of urbanization is portrayed as a travel brochure, offering discount journeys to ancient Babylon and China; and the history of inequality unfolds in a superhero detective story; with guest appearances by historical and cultural personalities throughout such as Thomas Jefferson, Scarlett O'Hara, Margaret Thatcher, and John Lennon.
jepeters333 | Hi ha 9 ressenyes més | Dec 3, 2022 |
One hundred thousand years ago, at least six different species of humans inhabited Earth. Yet today there is only one—homo sapiens. What happened to the others? And what may happen to us?

In this first volume of the full-color illustrated adaptation of his groundbreaking book, renowned historian Yuval Harari tells the story of humankind’s creation and evolution, exploring the ways in which biology and history have defined us and enhanced our understanding of what it means to be “human.” From examining the role evolving humans have played in the global ecosystem to charting the rise of empires, Sapiens challenges us to reconsider accepted beliefs, connect past developments with contemporary concerns, and view specific events within the context of larger ideas.
jepeters333 | Hi ha 18 ressenyes més | Nov 14, 2022 |
I liked the art and was enjoying this comic as a work of historical fiction, but then it took a left turn into sci-fi/fantasy land and I lost my enthusiasm for the book. Not awful, but I wouldn't recommend it.

Received via NetGalley.½
amanda4242 | Oct 19, 2022 |
Note: I accessed a digital review copy of this book through Edelweiss.
fernandie | Hi ha 9 ressenyes més | Sep 15, 2022 |
Yuval Noah Harari - Sapiens (Bompiani)
Un graphic novel con il contributo di David Vandermeulen e Daniel Casanave
Ciao Luca,
In questi ultimi anni hai dimostrato a scuola molto interesse per le scienze. È per questo che ho pensato di farti trovare sotto l’albero un libro a fumetti che racconta la storia dell’umanità.
Negli ultimi anni sono stati pubblicati diversi testi sulla storia dell’umanità tra questi un bel libro di un professore di storia dell’Università di Gerusalemme. Ne sono stati tratti due bei volumi molto ricchi e ben illustrati che trattano temi sui quali dovrai certamente essere preparato per poter affrontare con saggezza il tuo futuro.
I protagonisti delle avventure raccontate, sono l’autore, la nipote Zoe, la professoressa Saraswati - un’esperta biologa - e altri personaggi di fantasia: Bill e Cindy, rappresentanti della specie Sapiens, il Doctor Fiction, una sorta di Superman che vede il mondo attraverso occhialoni VR, e il detective Lopez che indaga sui crimini commessi dai Sapiens.
Il primo volume racconta dei primi passi verso la costruzione di comunità umane sempre più forti e capaci di trasformare il mondo. Uno dei temi trattati riguarda il rapporto dell’uomo con l’ambiente, un rapporto che si è caratterizzato sin dall’inizio per la violenza e la capacità distruttiva dell’uomo. Tante sono le stragi di animali commestibili perpetrate dagli umani e tante le estinzioni avvenute già molti millenni fa.
Il secondo volume tratta la nascita e lo sviluppo delle grandi comunità civili basate sulla scrittura e sulla memorizzazione di regole e di enormi quantità di dati e informazioni.
Uno degli aspetti che trovo molto interessante è la capacità di passare dalla discussioni di aspetti legati alla storia e alla scienza a riflessioni che forse potrebbero essere considerate filosofiche. Molto belle, per esempio, le tre pagine del secondo volume dedicate alla distinzione tra concetti relativi alla realtà come “oggettivo”, “soggettivo” e “intersoggettivo”: tre pagine soltanto ma estremamente chiare.
Belle anche le pagine dedicate alla riflessione sull’importanza dei miti e della fiducia in essi nella costruzione delle comunità e nel mantenimento delle strutture sociali.
Divertenti le pagine in cui si esplora - a Praga accompagnati da Franz K.- il mondo della burocrazia con le sue incomprensibili e indispensabili regole.
Spero che la lettura di queste pagine ti appassioni come ha appassionato me e che ti sia di stimolo per contribuire alla costruzione di un futuro realmente sostenibile in cui la felicità di tutti gli esseri viventi sia un valore fondamentale per le prossime comunità umane.
claudio.marchisio | Hi ha 18 ressenyes més | Jun 23, 2022 |
The Agricultural Revolution really kicks humanity down the slippery slope to tangled bureaucracy, hegemony of the elites, classism, racism, and sexism. Wheat is the ultimate big bad!

Harari and his collaborators really dig deep into the fictions upon which our history and our present social order is constructed, ripping away the pseudoscience and myths to get at what the science really supports.

Not as mind-blowing as the first volume -- which motivated me to read the big book from which this series is adapted -- but still very good even if the lessons seem a little more repetitive and simplified. A lot of time is spent on the Hindu caste system and U.S. slavery, making me a little curious how the Israeli author would apply some of his reasoning and deconstruction to the current state of his nation.
villemezbrown | Hi ha 9 ressenyes més | Dec 18, 2021 |
Sapiens - Een beeldverhaal 2 - De pijlers van de beschaving, door Yuval Noah Harari, David Vandermeulen en Daniel Casanave
Het vervolg van een meesterwerk

In navolging van deel 1: Het ontstaan van de mensheid, verscheen het tweede deel onder de titel Sapiens, De pijlers van de beschaving. Ook in dit boek onderzoekt Harari hoe we als mens doorheen de geschiedenis geëvolueerd zijn. Ditmaal bekijkt hij de tot standkoming van de menselijke beschaving. Het merendeel van de vragen die hij hierbij stelt hebben de duidelijke ondertoon ‘hoe is het zo fout kunnen lopen?’.
Wat dreef de eerste mensen in de oudheid van gelukkige jagers en plukkers naar hebzuchtige landbouwers? Op welke wijze werd de vrouw in een onderdrukte positie gedreven? En hoe hebben verhalen en religies onze maatschappijen gevormd en misvormd? Net als in het eerste deel van Sapiens brengt dit beeldverhaal vele antwoorden op deze vragen. Door de vele sprongen van heden naar verleden en de soms ludieke vertelwijze worden zelfs de meest moeilijke thema’s behapbaar. De vlotte tekenstijl en heldere inkleuring maken dit beeldverhaal van maar liefst 253 pagina’s een ware pageturner.
Mochten alle schoolboeken voor de les geschiedenis zo gebracht worden, leerlingen zouden zich geen moment vervelen en uitkijken naar een volgende les. Of nog beter: neem Sapiens, een beeldverhaal, op als standaardwerk in de les. Het zal een eye-opener zijn voor velen!
Els04 | Hi ha 9 ressenyes més | Nov 19, 2021 |
Ich bin ein großer Fan von Yuval Harari und seinen interessanten Gedanken und Theorien. Für mich ist es absolut faszinierend, seine Gedankengänge nachzuvollziehen und mit anderen zu diskutieren.
Das Buch „Sapiens“ kenne ich schon und nun habe ich die Grafik Novel gelesen. Ich muss dazu sagen, dass ich überhaupt kein Typ für Comics oder Grafik Novels bin. Dennoch - mir gefiel das Buch sehr, weil es auf sehr kurzweilige Weise schafft, die Inhalte von Hararis Sachbuch zu vermitteln. Das Buch ist sehr witzig gemacht, da es die wesentlichsten Aspekte des ersten Teils von Sapiens ganz anders und sehr komisch erzählt, z.B. als Gerichtsverfahren gegen den Sapiens als interkontinentalen Serienmörder.
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Wassilissa | Hi ha 18 ressenyes més | Oct 17, 2021 |
Esta es la versión novela ilustrada (cómic) de "De animales a dioses", la obra cumbre de Harari. Maravillosa para introducir a los chicos en la ciencia de la evolución humana.
La_Rola_Riza | Hi ha 18 ressenyes més | Oct 15, 2021 |
Fun, informative, quick read, with great illustrations.
AChild | Hi ha 18 ressenyes més | Aug 10, 2021 |
Beaucoup de longueurs manquant d'intérêt, répétant des affirmations en boucle...
ChanezC | Hi ha 18 ressenyes més | Jul 23, 2021 |
Ecce Homo
Review of the Signal Books paperback edition (Oct. 27, 2020) translated from the French language original "La Naissance de l'Humanité" (Oct. 7, 2020) based on a portion of "Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind" (2014) translated from the Hebrew language original "קיצור תולדות האנ1"

See image at
Thumbnail from the official trailer for "Sapiens: A Graphic History: The Birth of Humankind (Volume 1) available on YouTube here

This was an enormously entertaining graphic novel adaptation of Yuval Harari's popular non-fiction summary of the history of humankind. This is Volume 1 of an expected 3-Volume graphic version which will presumably be completed in 2022. This volume covers the Cognitive Revolution with volume two expected to cover the Agricultural Revolution and volume three the Scientific Revolution.

I have not read the non-graphic original, so I can't be sure how much of the visual adaptation is original, but writer David Vandermeulen and artist Daniel Casanave have done a tremendous job in producing an entertaining and educational graphic novel. There are some wonderful Easter Eggs in the art as well for those who pick up on popular culture visuals, e.g. a graphic character bends over backwards at one point in a nod to the Keanu Reeves/Neo character filmed in 'bullet-time' in the movie The Matrix.

Trivia and Link
The next book in the graphic adaptation series will be Sapiens: A Graphic History, Volume 2: The Pillars of Civilization and it is expected to be published October 26, 2021.
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alanteder | Hi ha 18 ressenyes més | Jun 23, 2021 |