Crítics Matiners

The Devil's Song
Kate Magda, an up-and-coming prosecutor and the privileged daughter of the politically connected President Judge Tommy Magda, has been given the assignment of a lifetime—lead prosecutor on a string of murders rocking Mission County, Pennsylvania. Kate views the assignment as her chance to not only convict a serial killer, but to make a name for herself—one other than “the judge’s daughter.” She is determined to show her boss, her family, and the public that she is more than her father’s shadow.As Kate delves into the case, she becomes convinced that she shares a personal link with the killer, who seems to know intimate details about a tragic childhood event Kate suffered—an event she thought she’d left in the past. It’s the way the victims are being posed—naked and dumped in open graves. Paranoia sets in, the night terrors return, and Kate has an imminent sense that she’s the killer’s next victim. Kate no longer feels assigned to the case . . . she is the case, and solving it is her only chance for survival.
Mystery, Suspense & Thriller, Fiction and Literature
Ofert per
Kaylie Jones Books (Editorial)
(User: johannaingalls)
November 2017
Starts: 2017-11-06
Acabat: 2017-11-27
En venda
United States of America
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