Crítics Matiners

Format: DRM-locked epub or pdf file (60 day expiration, renewable — you don't own the ebook), which can be loaded on Nooks, Sony eReaders, Kindles or read on a computer using Adobe Digital Editions (which is free to download). Ebook provided through NetGalley, which requires you to sign up with them. Yglesias’s New York Times–bestselling novel of trauma, loss, and the bonds formed between victims of catastrophe Max Klein suffers from many anxieties—including a terrible fear of flying—but after surviving a plane crash his worries vanish and he suddenly believes himself invincible. Back home, a psychiatrist puts him in touch with Carla, a victim of the same crash who lost her infant son and suffers from a morbid, debilitating depression. Now Max and Carla begin a relationship that is sometimes intimate, sometimes painful, and perhaps the only path to recovery for both. Fearless is a brilliant portrait of trauma and its aftermath—the shock of loss and the sometimes unexpected ways that people learn to cope with disaster. This ebook features a new illustrated biography of Rafael Yglesias, including rare photos and never-before-seen documents from the author’s personal collection.
General Fiction, Fiction and Literature
Ofert per
Open Road (Editorial)
(User: OpenRoadMedia)
November 2010
Starts: 2010-11-08
Acabat: 2010-11-29
En venda
Disponible en tots els països
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