Nom real
Sobre la meva biblioteca
Well I go to two libraries. I go to Chapletown Library, which is open to the public community and then I also go to Eccelsfield Secondary School Library, because I am a student there.
In both libraries I look up books to read and if they're AMAZING (!) I will buy the book!
Sobre mi
Okay,a bit about me! I love horror/romance combined. I've read all the Twilight series which basically is a sum up of that.
Vampire Academy is AMAZING in my opinion but everybody is different.
At the moment I am writing a book (like the many others I am writing) but this is a horror/romance called 'DEATH STAIN-REBORN'!
What I do when I see I book I like is I call dibs on it. Why I do that is because, me and my sister have a competition about who can get the most series and I know it's bad but I just forget about the stupid saying 'don't judge a book by it's cover' I'm sorry but well to tell you the truth I judge everything about it's cover I judge people by that! I'm sorry but I'm telling the truth!
The books that I choose are the ones that stand out and THANK THE LORD they are FABULOUS inside!
I'll give you all my thoughts about books on this and I'll keep you posted with my books (you may see some extracts on this site)!
I am also running a group on this site called 'Fellow Authors' and if your a author out there check out and look at all the posts you can reply!
Sheffield, England

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