Nom real
Jason Griffey
Sobre la meva biblioteca
I read a lot, but often forget to put the books into LibraryThing, and end up bulk-loading things every 6 months or so.
Sobre mi
I'm a techie, a geek, and a librarian. I've written a lot about library issues, Web 2.0, and copyright, and continue to speak at conferences and other events where people want to listen to those topics. I also know how to isolation-streak pathogenic microbes, the proper way to tie a rappelling rope to a tree, and can discuss Plato's Allegory of the Cave at length.
Sewanee, TN
Pàgina d'inici
També a
("cryptonom1"), ("griffey"), Flickr,, MetaFilter, Wikipedia, YouTube
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Biblioteques: University of Tennessee at Chattanooga - Lupton Library

Altres: R'lyeh

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