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K. Lee Lerner
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Additional profiles and portfolios:

This site is not actively maintained by K. Lee Lerner or LernerMedia Global (LMG). The listings are not comprehensive, representing only a sample of recent LMG projects.

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"Recognized for his use of language, accuracy, and balanced presentation, K. Lee Lerner's portfolio covering science and global issues has garnered respected writing, book and media awards, including books on climate change, infectious diseases, and biotechnology named as Outstanding Academic Titles. Lerner's experience, stories, and photos span every continent. In addition to working in areas undergoing civil instability, recovering from natural disasters, or suffering disease outbreaks, Lerner has also completed two global circumnavigations. His Academia site consistently ranks among those most frequently accessed by students, scholars, and decision makers from around the world."— National Press Club biography

"For more than three decades, whether in print, broadcast media, or online, K. Lee Lerner's writing and personal column, 'Taking Bearings,' have ranged across the human intellectual enterprise. His award-winning writing ranges from knowledgeable articles on the history of science to insights into modern advances in biotechnology; from the scientific analysis of engineering failures to evidence-based reporting on public health issues; from coverage of attempt to preserve historic cultural sites to on location coverage of the human tragedy inherent in the displacement vulnerable populations by war, civil unrest, and natural disasters." — Projects at Harvard, Displaced by Disaster
London, Paris, Cambridge, New Orleans
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