
Sobre mi
My daughter, Tessa, and I both read; we read rather obsessively, actually. And when not off reading our own favorite genres, we often find ourselves reading the same books. And we both like to write... I have written two books: The Minefield of Memories and Stella and the Golden Crystal, and my daughter writes almost every day, clever little stories that she hopes to someday flesh out into published novels. So, we thought, why not? Why not share our love of books, namely books most likely shared by the two of us, those targeting young adult audiences. That's the plan, then... to share our thoughts on the many books we come across as we plow through the literature. As our interests undoubtedly drift into different genres--classics, fantasy, historical fiction--so too, might our reviews. We look forward to hearing comments and feedback from our followers, who we will assume, share our love of reading.
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