
Sobre la meva biblioteca
i have been collecting since i started to read across a wide range of sujects.see above:spirituality and spiritual paths(rather than religion),theology,christianity,christian gnosis and its variants,heresy,other paths;revolutionary socialist politics(but i am not a liberal,stalinist or reformist,so called parliamentary politics do not interest me at all);social sciences and humanities,literature,poetry.and much more.
Sobre mi
i am a collector of books.i am sometimes deal in books and often exchange books.i have a substantial library that i am recatalogueing,with the intention of both slimming it down and of further specialisation.

i have a wide rage of interests,primary of which are as a Christian gnostic(neo-cathar)and as a revolutionary libertarian communist.these interests go well beyond but include books.

i guess i'm quirky and my outlook is nearly always "against the current".i don't seek to be different but i seem to be naturally that way and don't apologise for it.

greetings to all pilgrims,seekers and fighters for humanity.

revolutionary thinker
