
S'ha unit
Dec 2, 2008
Nom real
Robert Todd Felton
Sobre la meva biblioteca
It is overflowing with books to read and those I've read. It is crammed into side tables, a bookshelf, boxes in my attic, and and my desk.
Sobre mi
A writer and photographer, Robert Todd Felton has written about Thoreau's Walden Pond, Yeats' Ireland, and Emerson's Boston. He has also penned articles on hiking in the footsteps of Jack Kerouac, exploring Hunter S. Thompson's Las Vegas, and driving through Austria where the hills are alive with The Sound of Music. His books include A Journey into the Transcendentalists' New England and A Journey into Ireland's Literary Revival (both from Roaring Forties Press), as well as Walking Boston from Wilderness Press. His shorter work has been published in National Geographic Traveler, Backpacker, The Gemutlichkeit Newsletter, Draft, and Automotive Traveler. His photographs have appeared in books, journals and in exhibitions across New England.
Amherst, MA
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