BBC magazine article and Radio 4 programme on libraries


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BBC magazine article and Radio 4 programme on libraries

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nov. 21, 2010, 9:49 am

Heard this by Joan Bakewell about libraries as I was driving home the other evening, and I'm glad to see it's featured on the website as well.

des. 2, 2010, 6:30 am

Wow! Thanks for the link. I've just started reading the ones people suggest but it is very time consuming. Your profile is so good it's scary - makes me feel old - but then so do comments like 'red button viewers.'
Don't you feel there are two parallel worlds - one where people read and the other where they just exist, usually in a bubble of work, eat , sleep and Eastenders, X factor and I'm a Celebrity?
I feel guilty, sometimes, for not listening to Radio 4, but I prefer Capital Gold (except for the adverts)
Whether I'm writing, reading or driving I'd rather do it in silence.
Oh dear, I've gone off topic.If there weren't libraries I'd want to start one.

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