Summary field and copyright issues question

ConversesTalk about LibraryThing

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Summary field and copyright issues question

maig 5, 2:26 am

Hi all,
Are we allowed to post the publisher's summary in the summary field or is that considered a violation of copyright? As I understand the publisher's summary, it is their advertising blurb and they should want it in the summary but maybe that doesn't matter.

maig 6, 2:44 am

>1 scraps: Summary is in your personal page for a book, so it should not matter anyway. (I regularly put them). You should not put it on Book description field, however.

Editat: maig 6, 4:08 pm

>2 .mau.: Not in member's description, where eventually somebody will remove it. Although they will often show up in the regular description (where you can't add it.) Also not in review. That will get you red flagged.

If you want the publisher's blurb in the summary field, and not the automatic data summary, that counts as fair use.

maig 6, 3:52 pm

>3 MarthaJeanne: Thanks for both of your help.

maig 7, 5:24 am

>3 MarthaJeanne: yes, of course I was talking about summary field.

maig 23, 3:40 am

Hello all,
Just a casual question from a curious newbie. How are you using the library covers color data? Do you use it to find your books? Does it suggest something about how color influences what you buy? Does it relate to personality or genre or something else? Like I said, I'm curious.

maig 23, 4:34 am

I don't.

maig 23, 12:24 pm

>6 scraps: I don't use it either, but I look at it sometimes. It's sort of pretty.

maig 23, 3:03 pm

>6 scraps: never used...

maig 23, 7:45 pm

There's a library covers color data here?