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Shopaholic & Sister

de Sophie Kinsella

Sèrie: Shopaholic (4)

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4,887702,330 (3.51)38
Fiction. Literature. Romance. Humor (Fiction.) HTML:“Kinsella’s heroine is blessed with the resilience of ten women, and her damage-limitation brain waves are always good for a giggle.”—Glamour (U.K.) 
What’s a round-the-world honeymoon if you can’t buy the odd souvenir to ship back home? Like the twenty silk dressing gowns Becky Brandon (née Bloomwood) finds in Hong Kong, or the hand-carved dining table from Sri Lanka, or the, um, huge wooden giraffes from Malawi (that her husband expressly forbade her to buy).
Only now Becky and Luke have returned home to London, where two truckloads of those souvenirs have cluttered up their loft. The bills are outrageous, Luke is furious, and Becky’s feeling rather blue—until her parents deliver some incredible news. She has a long-lost sister! Becky is convinced her sister will be a true soulmate. They’ll go shopping together, drink cappuccinos together, get manicures together. Then Becky meets Jessica and receives the shock of her life. Surely the shopaholic’s own sister can’t hate shopping?

Praise for Sophie Kinsella
“Kinsella has a genuine gift for comic writing.”The Boston Globe
“Kinsella’s Bloomwood is plucky and funny. . . . You won’t have to shop around to find a more winning protagonist.”People
“Faster than a swiping Visa, more powerful than a two-for-one coupon, able to buy complete wardrobes in a single sprint through the mall—it’s Shopaholic!”—The Washington Post.
… (més)
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This was the fourth in the Shopaholic series.

Of all the Shopaholic books, this is my favourite so far. This one has a little more depth to it than the previous ones did, and I feel like Jess's character added a really fantastic foil to the book.

Jess is revealed to be Becky's half-sister, and as such Becky is absolutely ecstatic to gain another best friend, especially as her old friend Suze has recently made another close friend.

I am much more similar to Jess, who was frugal, stoic at times, and rather academic, than I am to the flamboyant Becky, and in a lot of ways I felt like Jess was coming and giving Becky the slap in the face that I've been wanting to give her through the last three books.

This book said a lot about friendship and the power that the people around us can have. As again it could probably stand alone with ease, this would be a great book for someone looking for a fun read with less romance. ( )
  whakaora | Mar 5, 2023 |
Tras una lujosa luna de miel que ha durado diez meses, Becky Brandon — la compradora compulsiva más famosa del mundo— vuelve a Londres con su flamante marido. Tan pronto pone los pies en casa, empiezan los problemas, pues aparecen ante el portal dos camiones cargados de «recuerdos» que ha comprado a escondidas durante el viaje: mesas de comedor, jirafas de madera gigantes, batas de seda, máscaras… Las facturas no se hacen esperar y, muy pronto, la tarjeta de crédito que Becky esconde en su polvera se convierte en un trozo de plástico inútil. La crisis estalla y Luke le impone un estricto presupuesto, pero las malas noticias nunca vienen solas: Suze, su amiga inseparable, ha encontrado otra amiga más inseparable, y sus padres, precisamente ahora, deciden confesarle un secreto explosivo: Becky tiene una hermana. ¡Vaya sorpresita! La idea de encontrar, a sus veintisiete años, un alma gemela con quien compartir su pasión por los zapatos, las rebajas y las sesiones de manicura abre un panorama prometedor, lleno de interesantes perspectivas, lo cual no impide que, antes de lanzar las campanas al vuelo, Becky tenga que averiguar los gustos y hábitos de consumo de su nueva hermana Jessica.
  Natt90 | Mar 1, 2023 |
Carino, piacevole e divertente come gli altri libri della serie. ( )
  Raffaella10 | Jan 28, 2023 |
Becky and Luke Brandon have gotten married and just spend an entire year on a world tour honeymoon where Luke has been relaxing and seeing the sights and Becky has been secretly shopping (because, of course!) As always, this book is absolutely hilarious, taking us on Becky’s shopping addiction snafus, this time with an international kick, as Becky stalks an Angel purse in Milan, and chases aquamarine jewelry while doing yoga (I loved that scene.) At home, Becky is struggling somewhat. Her best friend Suze has three babies to look after, and has made a new close friend while she was away. And then Becky gets some startling news in the form of a half-sister she never knew she had… and things don’t go according to plan on that front either. As always, this had Becky’s comedic scenes and hilarious shopping disasters for a lighthearted fun read. ( )
  KatKinney | Mar 3, 2022 |
Again the series is getting better, I loved her sister and think her voice of reason and frugality was needed. I also like that even tho Bekcy thought she might of screwed up her husbands biggest client she didnt run away or try to hide it. Maybe shes growing up after all! :)
( )
  Joy_Bush | Jul 22, 2021 |
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To Gemma and Abigail, in celebration of being sisters.
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Fiction. Literature. Romance. Humor (Fiction.) HTML:“Kinsella’s heroine is blessed with the resilience of ten women, and her damage-limitation brain waves are always good for a giggle.”—Glamour (U.K.) 
What’s a round-the-world honeymoon if you can’t buy the odd souvenir to ship back home? Like the twenty silk dressing gowns Becky Brandon (née Bloomwood) finds in Hong Kong, or the hand-carved dining table from Sri Lanka, or the, um, huge wooden giraffes from Malawi (that her husband expressly forbade her to buy).
Only now Becky and Luke have returned home to London, where two truckloads of those souvenirs have cluttered up their loft. The bills are outrageous, Luke is furious, and Becky’s feeling rather blue—until her parents deliver some incredible news. She has a long-lost sister! Becky is convinced her sister will be a true soulmate. They’ll go shopping together, drink cappuccinos together, get manicures together. Then Becky meets Jessica and receives the shock of her life. Surely the shopaholic’s own sister can’t hate shopping?

Praise for Sophie Kinsella
“Kinsella has a genuine gift for comic writing.”The Boston Globe
“Kinsella’s Bloomwood is plucky and funny. . . . You won’t have to shop around to find a more winning protagonist.”People
“Faster than a swiping Visa, more powerful than a two-for-one coupon, able to buy complete wardrobes in a single sprint through the mall—it’s Shopaholic!”—The Washington Post.

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Mitjana: (3.51)
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3 390
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4.5 20
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