Crítics MatinersAnne C. Petty

LibraryThing author page

February 2013 Lot: 2 Llibres Offered

Giveaway Ended: February 25 at 06:00 pm EST

Sèrie: Limbus, Inc. (1)
Jonathan Maberry, Benjamin Kane Ethridge, Joseph Nassise, Brett J. Talley and Anne C. Petty. (Five authors, Five Novellas, one shared world anthology.) Are you laid off, downsized, undersized? Call us. We employ. 1-800-555-0606 How lucky do you feel? So reads the business card from LIMBUS, INC., a shadowy employment agency that operates at the edge of the normal world. LIMBUS's employees are just as suspicious and ephemeral as the motives of the company, if indeed it could be called a company in the ordinary sense of the word. In this shared-world anthology, five heavy hitters from the dark worlds of horror, fantasy, and scifi pool their warped take on the shadow organization that offers employment of the most unusual kind to those on the fringes of society. One thing’s for sure – you’ll never think the same way again about the fine print on your next employment application!
Science Fiction, Horror, Fiction and Literature
Ofert per
JournalStone (Editorial)
Informació del llibrePàgina de treball de LibraryThing
Lot tancat
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Sèrie: Limbus, Inc. (1)
Jonathan Maberry, Benjamin Kane Ethridge, Joseph Nassise, Brett J. Talley and Anne C. Petty. (Five authors, Five Novellas, one shared world anthology.) Are you laid off, downsized, undersized? Call us. We employ. 1-800-555-0606 How lucky do you feel? So reads the business card from LIMBUS, INC., a shadowy employment agency that operates at the edge of the normal world. LIMBUS's employees are just as suspicious and ephemeral as the motives of the company, if indeed it could be called a company in the ordinary sense of the word. In this shared-world anthology, five heavy hitters from the dark worlds of horror, fantasy, and scifi pool their warped take on the shadow organization that offers employment of the most unusual kind to those on the fringes of society. One thing’s for sure – you’ll never think the same way again about the fine print on your next employment application!
Science Fiction, Horror, Fiction and Literature
Ofert per
JournalStone (Editorial)
Informació del llibrePàgina de treball de LibraryThing
Lot tancat
Nombre d'exemplars

December 2012 Lot: 2 Llibres Offered

Giveaway Ended: Gener 2 a 06:00 pm EST

How do you catch a banshee? But more importantly, if you succeed, how can you hope to survive the ordeal? The consequences of such dark magic are high, and if you try to let go once you’ve got that tiger by the tail, it may cost your very soul! Atlanta is a cosmopolitan, theater-going city that supports its fair share of the arts. But when a small theatrical company takes on the production of Christopher Marlowe’s famous play, Dr. Faustus, in the century-old Janus Theater, things don’t go as planned. Unexplained stage effects appear as cast members disappear, accidents seem more than coincidence, and an earthquake splits a busy downtown thoroughfare. Oh, and did we mention the rumored ghost in the basement? Paramedic Claire Porter thinks her volunteer prompter’s job with the company will give her some relief from her stressful day job, and it is fun, at first. But as they say, the Devil is in the details.
Fantasy, Horror, Fiction and Literature
Ofert per
JournalStone (Editorial)
Informació del llibrePàgina de treball de LibraryThing
Lot tancat
Nombre d'exemplars
How do you catch a banshee? But more importantly, if you succeed, how can you hope to survive the ordeal? The consequences of such dark magic are high, and if you try to let go once you’ve got that tiger by the tail, it may cost your very soul! Atlanta is a cosmopolitan, theater-going city that supports its fair share of the arts. But when a small theatrical company takes on the production of Christopher Marlowe’s famous play, Dr. Faustus, in the century-old Janus Theater, things don’t go as planned. Unexplained stage effects appear as cast members disappear, accidents seem more than coincidence, and an earthquake splits a busy downtown thoroughfare. Oh, and did we mention the rumored ghost in the basement? Paramedic Claire Porter thinks her volunteer prompter’s job with the company will give her some relief from her stressful day job, and it is fun, at first. But as they say, the Devil is in the details.
Fantasy, Horror, Fiction and Literature
Ofert per
JournalStone (Editorial)
Informació del llibrePàgina de treball de LibraryThing
Lot tancat
Nombre d'exemplars