Nom real
Sobre la meva biblioteca
My collection is over a thousand volumes (I'm sure I'll get around to actually listing it someday— when I have loads of spare time on my hands and am willing to pay the upgrade fee), I stand [sit] in awe of some of the multi-thousand volumes that some people here have accumulated.

I have a good collection of classical and medieval writings in translation (much better than most public libraries, the LA public libraries anyway, with the exception of the central library, grrr— I have some things they don't have though).

I'm mostly interested in the history of European culture (with a literary bent— my favorite period to read in is the late 1800s and the early 1900s, but I range from biblical literature to contemporary). I love getting books from that period if they're clever or what most people would now call stupid or insane. I also collect textbooks from before the fifties (although I'd probably collect something more recent if I thought it was interesting for some reason).
Sobre mi
I live in LA (Sherman Oaks) and believe in life, liberty, and the pursuit of good reading material (I should probably pursue more shelf space too). Sometimes my life is Kafkaesque, sometimes it isn't. I prefer when it isn't.
Preferits locals

Llibreries: Black Oak Books - Berkeley, Book Alley, Brand Bookstore, Iliad Bookshop, Moe's Books