Sèries dels llibres de yasjasemin

Sèries a què pertanyen els llibres de la biblioteca de yasjasemin

Sumari: 40 sèries


50 Ideas

Aaron Falk

California World History Library

Cambridge Concise Histories

The Cemetery of Forgotten Books

Civilizations Rise and Fall

Comisario Jaritos

Commissario Brunetti

Cormoran Strike

Detective Kay Sharp

Don Quixote

The Earthsea Cycle

Erast Fandorin

Erika Foster

Georg Dengler

Gereon Rath

Good Girl's Guide to Murder

Hercule Poirot

Imperial Radch

Inspector Kostas Charitos

Inspector Rebus

Jessica Niemi

The Kingkiller Chronicle

Logan McRae

The Lord of the Rings


Margaret Campbell and Li Yan

New Hercule Poirot Mysteries

Object Lessons

Our Ancestors

Peter Ackroyd's Brief Lives

The Rat

The Sandman

The Sandman {1989-1996}


The Thursday Murder Club

A Very Short Introduction

A Wild Sheep Chase

Your Face Tomorrow