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de Lao Tzu

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17,390198295 (4.22)1 / 227
In 81 brief chapters, Lao-Tzu's Tao Te Ching, or Book of the Way, provides advice that imparts balance and perspective, a serene and generous spirit, and teaches us how to work for the good with the effortless skill that comes from being in accord with the Tao-the basic principle of the universe. Stephen Mitchell's bestselling version has been widely acclaimed as a gift to contemporary culture.… (més)
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 Philosophy and Theory: Three Chinese classics18 no llegits / 18CosmicMiddleChild, març 2023

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Es mostren 1-5 de 197 (següent | mostra-les totes)
It's hard to give such a legendary and profound work a 'rating' so my rating here is really for this particular translation and publication - and it is very good indeed. The language is generally very clear, if a little unpoetic at times, and the notes and commentary - as well as the introductory essays and appendix - are very useful guides to help understand more of what the text is saying.

If you are interested in the nature of our ongoing experience of living, in the idea or illusion of causality, what it is to know something, or what it means to act wisely or not, then you will want to keep some version of this text close to hand. For me it is a text to return to periodically, to remind me of a way of thinking that is too easily covered over by everyday ways of thinking. ( )
  breathslow | Jan 27, 2024 |
The way that can be reviewed is not the way ( )
  Robertgreaves | Nov 4, 2023 |
Obviously it's kind of ludicrous to "rate" the Tao Te Ching and I have no knowledge to rate Le Guin's translation so it's just a personal feeling about how much the chapters caught my imagination. I do appreciate the recurring themes but it does get quite repetitive with them and there were only a few that were put in a way that really grabbed me. I'm certain it's a me problem, hopefully one day I'll come back to it. ( )
  tombomp | Oct 31, 2023 |
I initially thought the book was just a lot of mumbo-jumbo but I warmed to it as I read on. It can perhaps be boiled down to 'Let Go', which is certainly wise. The translator readily admits to improviising quite a bit but I didn't have an issue with that. ( )
  heggiep | Sep 22, 2023 |
Testo fondamentale del Taoismo, richiederebbe la conoscenza del cinese per essere apprezzato a pieno, dato le significative possibilità di interpretazione di ogni singolo capitolo.

Lao-Tzu - a lui è attribuita senza certezze la composizione di questo testo - reagisce alla decadenza della società cinese in modo opposto da Confucio, ritirandosi dal mondo in favore di una vita di meditazione, parsimonia e tolleranza. Sosteneva l'importanza di un ritorno alle origini, alla madre, alla natura, disprezzando gli artifici degli uomini, il loro voler alterare le leggi della natura.

Immagina che la gente torni a usare le cordicelle annodate; che trovi buono il proprio cibo, belle le proprie vesti, comode le proprie case, piacevoli i propri costumi. ( )
  lasiepedimore | Aug 1, 2023 |
Es mostren 1-5 de 197 (següent | mostra-les totes)

» Afegeix-hi altres autors (380 possibles)

Nom de l'autorCàrrecTipus d'autorObra?Estat
Lao Tzuautor primaritotes les edicionsconfirmat
Addiss, StephenTraductorautor principalalgunes edicionsconfirmat
English, JaneTraductorautor principalalgunes edicionsconfirmat
Feng, Gia-FuTraductorautor principalalgunes edicionsconfirmat
Hinton, DavidTraductorautor principalalgunes edicionsconfirmat
Lombardo, StanleyTraductorautor principalalgunes edicionsconfirmat
Ta-Kao, ChuTraductorautor principalalgunes edicionsconfirmat
Ames, Roger T.autor secundarialgunes edicionsconfirmat
Arponen, AnnikkiTraductorautor secundarialgunes edicionsconfirmat
Blakney, R. B.Traductorautor secundarialgunes edicionsconfirmat
Blok, J.A.Traductorautor secundarialgunes edicionsconfirmat
Brändli, OdetteTraductorautor secundarialgunes edicionsconfirmat
Bynner, WitterTraductorautor secundarialgunes edicionsconfirmat
Chang Chung-yuanTraductorautor secundarialgunes edicionsconfirmat
Cleare, JohnFotògrafautor secundarialgunes edicionsconfirmat
Dale, Ralph AlanTraductorautor secundarialgunes edicionsconfirmat
Despeux, CatherineEpílegautor secundarialgunes edicionsconfirmat
Duyvendak, J. J. L.Traductorautor secundarialgunes edicionsconfirmat
Ervast, PekkaTraductorautor secundarialgunes edicionsconfirmat
Etiemble, RenéPròlegautor secundarialgunes edicionsconfirmat
Hall, David L.autor secundarialgunes edicionsconfirmat
Hansen, ChadTraductorautor secundarialgunes edicionsconfirmat
Henricks, Robert G.Traductorautor secundarialgunes edicionsconfirmat
Jerven, WalterTraductorautor secundarialgunes edicionsconfirmat
Julien, StanislasTraductorautor secundarialgunes edicionsconfirmat
Kia-hway, LiouTraductorautor secundarialgunes edicionsconfirmat
Knospe, HansTraductorautor secundarialgunes edicionsconfirmat
Koskikallio, ToivoTraductorautor secundarialgunes edicionsconfirmat
Lau, D.C.Traductorautor secundarialgunes edicionsconfirmat
Le Guin, Ursula K.Traductorautor secundarialgunes edicionsconfirmat
Legge, JamesTraductorautor secundarialgunes edicionsconfirmat
MacHovec, Frank J.Traductorautor secundarialgunes edicionsconfirmat
Mair, Victor H.Traductorautor secundarialgunes edicionsconfirmat
Mansvelt Beck, B.J.Traductorautor secundarialgunes edicionsconfirmat
Meyer, ThomasTraductorautor secundarialgunes edicionsconfirmat
Miles, Thomas HTraductorautor secundarialgunes edicionsconfirmat
Mitchell, StephenTraductorautor secundarialgunes edicionsconfirmat
Needleman, JacobIntroduccióautor secundarialgunes edicionsconfirmat
Nieminen, PerttiTraductorautor secundarialgunes edicionsconfirmat
Schipper, KristoferTraductorautor secundarialgunes edicionsconfirmat
Seaton, Jerome P.Col·laboradorautor secundarialgunes edicionsconfirmat
TaoLinTraductorautor secundarialgunes edicionsconfirmat
Ular, AlexanderTraductorautor secundarialgunes edicionsconfirmat
Watson, BurtonIntroduccióautor secundarialgunes edicionsconfirmat
Wilhelm, RichardTraductorautor secundarialgunes edicionsconfirmat
Wing, R. L.Traductorautor secundarialgunes edicionsconfirmat
Winston, WillowIl·lustradorautor secundarialgunes edicionsconfirmat
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Who can find a good woman?

She is precious beyond all things.

Her husband's heart trusts her completely.

She is his best reward.

PROV. 31:10-11 (Mitchell translation)
"Venture not beyond your doors to know the world..."
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TO MY MOTHER AND FATHER (Mitchell translation)
For A. L. K. and J. P. S.
To Vicks. Who can find a good woman? / She is precious beyond all things. / Her husband's heart trusts her completely. / She is his best reward. Proverbs 31:10-11
TO VICKI (Mitchell translation)
Primeres paraules
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The tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao. (Mitchell translation)
The way you can go
isn't the real way.
No one actually knows where the Tao Te Ching came from, but this slim book of about five thousand words forms the foundation of classical Chinese philosophy.
I. OPTIMIZING EXPERIENCE:  THIS FOCUS AND ITS FIELD - We will argue that the defining purpose of the Daodejing is bringing into focus and sustaining a productive disposition that allows for the fullest appreciation of those specific things and events that constitute one's field of experience.
The tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao. [Gia-fu Feng/Jane English translation]
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(Clica-hi per mostrar-ho. Compte: pot anticipar-te quin és el desenllaç de l'obra.)
(Clica-hi per mostrar-ho. Compte: pot anticipar-te quin és el desenllaç de l'obra.)
(Clica-hi per mostrar-ho. Compte: pot anticipar-te quin és el desenllaç de l'obra.)
(Clica-hi per mostrar-ho. Compte: pot anticipar-te quin és el desenllaç de l'obra.)
Nota de desambiguació
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Laozi Tao Te Ching on The Art of Harmony: The New Illustrated Edition of the Chinese Philosophical Masterpiece translated by Chad Hansen is set apart from other translations of the Tao by it's extensive color plates on 50%+ of the pages and then an addition 100 pages of introduction and commentary. Please don't combine with other translations. "Tao The Ching de kunst van harmonie" is a Dutch translation.
Editor de l'editorial
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Creadors de notes promocionals a la coberta
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CDD/SMD canònics
LCC canònic
In 81 brief chapters, Lao-Tzu's Tao Te Ching, or Book of the Way, provides advice that imparts balance and perspective, a serene and generous spirit, and teaches us how to work for the good with the effortless skill that comes from being in accord with the Tao-the basic principle of the universe. Stephen Mitchell's bestselling version has been widely acclaimed as a gift to contemporary culture.

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Mitjana: (4.22)
0.5 1
1 18
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2 57
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3 266
3.5 58
4 555
4.5 89
5 892

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