Núvol de l'autor de mikeingeorgia

Chinua Achebe(1) Elizabeth Achtemeier(1) Paul J. Achtemeier(1) Richard Adams(1) Kurt Aland(1) J. Neil Alexander(1) Dante Alighieri(1) Ronald J. Allen(1) Nancy Tatom Ammerman(1) Herbert Anderson(1) Boethius(1) Michael Anthony(1) Presbyterian Church (U. S. A.)(6) Aristotle(4) Jeffrey Arnold(1) Erich Auerbach(1) Augustine(3) Saint Augustine(2) Randall Balmer(2) Victoria Barnett(1) J. M. Barrie(1) Karl Barth(14) Markus Barth(1) Craig G. Bartholomew(1) David L. Bartlett(3) Dorothy C. Bass(1) Richard J. Bauckham(1) Robert N. Bellah(1) Saul Bellow(1) Saint Benedict(1) Louis Berkhof(1) Georges Bernanos(1) Philip Berrigan(1) Harold T. Betteridge(1) Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft(2) Buzz Bissinger(1) C. Clifton Black(1) Kathy Black(1) Paul J. Blom(1) Brian K. Blount(1) Christoph Friedrich Blumhardt(1) Dietrich Bonhoeffer(6) John Sutherland Bonnell(1) Thomas E. Boomershine(1) David Jacobus Bosch(2) Elise Boulding(1) Carl E. Braaten(1) J.C. Bradbury(1) Francis Brown(1) Michael Joseph Brown(1) Peter R. L. Brown(1) William P. Brown(2) F. F. Bruce(1) Walter Brueggemann(14) Frederick Dale Bruner(2) Bill Bryson(1) Martin Buber(1) Frederick Buechner(5) Jorgen Bukdahl(1) Eberhard Busch(2) Ronald P. Byars(1) John Calvin(1) Charles L. Campbell(2) Albert Camus(2) Carlos F. Cardoza-Orlandi(1) patrick and joseph lienhard carey(1) Vincent Caroll(1) Jackson W. Carroll(1) James Carroll(1) Craig A. Carter(1) Stephen L. Carter(3) Warren Carter(1) Virginia Samuel Cetuk(1) Henry Chadwick(1) G.K. Chesterton(3) Brevard S. Childs(2) Church of Scotland(1) US Conference of Catholic Bishops(1) Rodney Clapp(1) Kelly James Clark(1) R. E. Clements(2) Milton J. Coalter(1) William Sloane Coffin(1) Jim Colins(1) John J. Collins(1) James H. Cone(1) Bernard Cooke(1) Stephanie Coontz(1) Burton Z. Cooper(1) Charles B. Cousar(1) Fred B. Craddock(3) Ed Cray(1) Iain Crichton Smith(1) St. John of the Cross(1) N. Clayton Croy(1) Philip L. Culbertson(1) David S. Cunningham(1) David Dark(1) James C. Davis(1) Marva J. Dawn(2) Kathy L. Dawson(1) Kenda Creasy Dean(2) Marie Dennis(1) René Descartes(2) Annie Dillard(2) E. L. Doctorow(1) Gary Dorrien(1) Fyodor Dostoevsky(3) Mary Douglas(1) Amartya Sen Jean Dreze(1) Ruth C. Duck(1) David James Duncan(2) James D. G. Dunn(1) Leanne Van Dyk(1) Eastern Orthodox Catholic and Apostolic Church(1) William M. Easum(1) Bart D. Ehrman(2) John Eldredge(1) Ralph Ellison(1) Scott Ellsworth(1) Walter A. Elwell(1) Friedrich and Karl Marx Engels(1) Charles Edward van Engen(1) Chris Erdman(1) Euripides(1) John Dykstra Eusden(1) Christopher Evans(1) William Johnson Everett(1) Gabriel Fackre(1) editor Robet L. Ferm(1) Ludwig Feuerbach(1) Bruce N. Fisk(1) David E. Fitch(1) Joseph A. Fitzmyer(1) J. P. Fokkelman(1) Ted V. Foote(1) Marie M. Fortune(1) Michael W. Foss(1) Richard J. Foster(1) James W. Fowler(1) Robert M. Fowler(1) Stephen E. Fowl(2) Michael J. Fox(1) Richard Wightman Fox(1) Susan E Fox(1) Harold Frederic(1) Thomas L. Friedman(1) Lon L. Fuller(1) Jostein Gaarder(1) Susan R. Garrett(1) Beverly Roberts Gaventa(1) Clifford Geertz(1) Henry Snyder Gehman(1) Geneva(1) Timothy George(1) B. A. Gerrish(1) Kahlil Gibran(1) John Gierach(1) Archimandrite Lev Gillet(1) F. Wilbur Gingrich(1) René Girard(1) Peter J. Gomes(1) Justo L. González(3) John Steele Gordon(1) Michael J. Gorman(1) Joan S. Gray(1) Graham Greene(2) Jennifer S. Green(1) Joel B. Green(4) Robert; Wyckoff David; Fitzgerald Grene, Elizabet(1) Stanley J. Grenz(3) Eugene Grimm(1) Thomas H. Groome(1) Baker Publishing Group(1) Anton La Guardia(1) Darrell L. Guder(2) Allen C. Guelzo(1) Vigen Guroian(1) James M. Gustafson(1) Shirley C. Guthrie(1) Scott J. Hafemann(1) Alex Haley(1) Douglas John Hall(2) Mohsin Hamid(1) Edith Hamilton(1) Knut Hamsun(2) Bill Hancock(1) Alastair Hannay(1) Ron Hansen(4) Paul D. Hanson(1) Victor Davis Hanson(1) Edward Hardy(1) Douglas R. A. Hare(1) James H. Harris(1) Maria Harris(1) Murray J. Harris(1) D. G. Hart(2) Barry Harvey(1) Van A. Harvey(1) Stanley Hauerwas(21) Gerald F. Hawthorne(1) Richard B. Hays(1) Chris Hedges(1) Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel(1) Martin Heidegger(2) S. Mark Heim(1) Ernest Hemingway(1) Scott H. Hendrix(1) Arthur Herman(1) Noreena Hertz(1) Abraham Joshua Heschel(1) Hermann Hesse(1) Metropolitan of Nafpaktos Hierotheos(1) Mary Catherine Hilkert(1) David Hill(1) Russell Hittinger(1) Thomas Hobbes(1) Homer(2) Nick Hornby(5) Victor Hugo(1) Arland J. Hultgren(1) David Hume(2) Kent Humphreys(1) Jessica Hundley(1) James Davison Hunter(1) Allen E. Hye(1) Gareth Weldon Icenogle(1) John Irving(2) Micheline Ishay(1) G. Robert Jacks(2) Alan Jacobs(2) Murray Jardine(1) Nancy Jay(1) Derek S. Jeffreys(1) Philip Jenkins(1) David H. Jensen(1) Robert W. Jenson(1) Michael Jinkins(1) Ben Campbell Johnson(1) Craig E. Johnson(1) Luke Timothy Johnson(2) Maxwell E. Johnson(1) William Stacy Johnson(1) Karen Louise Jolly(1) Kirk Byron Jones(1) L. Gregory Jones(1) Peter Jones(1) Serene Jones(1) James Joyce(3) Cornelius Plantinga(1) Donald H. Juel(1) Franz Kafka(2) Peter Kalkavage(1) Brad J. Kallenberg(1) Immanuel Kant(2) Ernst Käsemann(1) Walter Kaufmann(1) Walter Arnold Kaufmann(1) Michael Kazin(1) Garrison Keillor(6) John Kelsay(1) Ken Kesey(1) Tracy Kidder(1) Søren Kierkegaard(8) Eunjoo Mary Kim(1) Martin Luther King, Jr.(3) Martin Luther King(1) Robert H. King(1) W. P. Kinsella(2) Michael L. Kirkindoll(1) Clifton Kirkpatrick(1) Russell Kirk(1) John Knox(1) Craig R. Koester(1) Margaret Zipse Kornfeld(1) Jon Krakauer(1) Gerhard Krodel(1) Sakae Kubo(1) Robert Kysar(1) Jhumpa Lahiri(1) RYAN LAMOTHE(1) Emmanuel Y. Lartey(1) Gilbert Lawall Maurice Balme(1) C.H. Lawrence(1) John Paul Lederach(1) Harper Lee(1) Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz(1) Peter J. Leithart(1) John H. Leith(4) Ralph Lerner(1) Matthew Levering(1) C. S. Lewis(16) Lyle W.; Mead C. S.; Dorsett Lewis, Marjorie Lamp(1) Mr. Rob Robert; Wilkins Lewis(1) Alfonso Maria de' Liguori(1) James Limburg(1) George A. Lindbeck(2) Richard Lischer(2) John Locke(2) Thomas G. Long(4) David J. Lose(1) Eugene L. Lowry(2) Roger Lundin(1) Robert Lupton(1) Martin Luther(1) Ulrich Luz(1) Niccolò Machiavelli(1) Ric Machuga(1) Alasdair MacIntyre(3) J. D. Mackie(1) Norman MacLean(2) Abraham J. Malherbe(1) Cyril Mango(1) Thomas W. Mann(1) David Maraniss(1) Jacques Maritain(1) Gabriel García Márquez(1) George M. Marsden(2) I. Howard Marshall(1) Ralph P. Martin(1) Karl Marx(1) Neal McBride(1) J. Clinton McCann(1) Cormac McCarthy(4) James William McClendon(2) Roy McCloughty(1) John S. McClure(1) Frank D. McConnell(1) Patrick T. McCormick(1) Sallie McFague(1) Alister E. McGrath(3) Donald K. McKim(3) Scot McKnight(1) Brian D. McLaren(1) John T. McNeill(1) Wayne A. Meeks(2) Gilbert Meilaender(2) Susan Mendus(1) Elizabeth Mensch(1) Thomas Merton(1) John Meyendorff(1) Robin Meyers(1) Daniel L. Migliore(1) Donald Miller(4) John A. Miller(1) Richard Miller(1) John Milton(1) Wayne C. Minnick(1) David Mitchell(1) Robert F. Molsberry(1) Jürgen Moltmann(1) Montesquieu(1) Douglas J. Moo(1) Thomas Moore(2) Neil and Roswitha Morris Morris(1) Anthony Mottola(1) Richard J. Mouw(2) Ross A. Mueller(1) Geiko Muller-Fahrenholz(1) Haruki Murakami(1) Iris Murdoch(2) Debra Dean Murphy(1) Ched Myers(1) Terry Nardin(1) Richard John Neuhaus(1) Heidi Neumark(1) Lesslie Newbigin(4) Reinhold Niebuhr(1) Friedrich Nietzsche(5) Mark A. Noll(5) Henri J. M. Nouwen(2) James J. O'Donnell(1) Greg Ogden(1) Hughes Oliphant Old(1) Michael Olmert(1) Roger E. Olson(2) George Orwell(1) Richard Robert Osmer(1) E. Stanley Ott(1) Doug Pagitt(1) Andreas Pangritz(1) Lewis A. Parks(1) Darwin Patnode(1) Jaroslav Pelikan(1) Eugene Peterson(3) Eugene H. Peterson(3) Michael Peterson(1) Mary Pipher(1) Robert M. Pirsig(1) Frank Pittman(1) William C. Placher(1) Plato(8) Plutarch(1) Mark Allan Powell(1) Abingdon Press(12) Reynolds Price(8) Francine Prose(1) Wayne Proudfoot(1) Michael J. Quicke(1) Daniel Quinn(1) Gerhard von Rad(1) Arnold Rampersad(1) Jr. G. Lee Ramsey(1) Gail Ramshaw(2) Martha Grace Reese(1) Ruth Anne Reese(1) André Resner(1) Howard L. Rice(2) Rick Richardson(1) Ronald W. Richardson(1) Paul Ricœur(1) Philip Rieff(1) Marcia Riggs(1) Samuel D. Rima(1) Carol Rittner(1) George Ritzer(1) Marilynne Robinson(1) Eugene F. Rogers(1) Jack Rogers(2) Heinrich Albert Rommen(1) Lucy Atkinson Rose(1) Christine Rosen(1) Jonathan Rosen(1) John K. Roth(1) Philip Roth(1) William L. Rowe(1) Richard L. Rubenstein; John K. Roth(1) Fleming Rutledge(1) Miguel de Cervantes(1) William S. Sahakian(1) J. D. Salinger(2) Lamin Sanneh(1) Nahum M. Sarna(2) Stanley P. Saunders(1) Ruth Sawyer(1) Mary H. Schertz(1) Edward Schillebeeckx(2) Alexander Schmemann(1) Robert J. Schreiter(1) Quentin J. Schultze(2) William Schweiker(1) Christopher R. Seitz(2) Donald Senior(1) C. L. Seow(1) Dennis Sherman(1) Whitney Shiner(1) David K. Shipler(1) Elisabeth Sifton(1) Gerard S. Sloyan(1) Tavis Smiley(1) James K. A. Smith(2) M. Blaine Smith(1) Robert H. Smith(1) James H. Smylie(1) American Bible Society(1) Jewish Publication Society(1) Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn(1) Sophocles(1) Art Spiegelman(2) Chester G. Starr(1) Brian Steidle(1) John Steinbeck(1) R. Paul Stevens(1) Alan M. Stibbs(1) Steve Stockman(1) I. F. Stone(1) Laurence Hull Stookey(2) Harry S. Stout(1) William Stringfellow(4) George W. Stroup(3) William Strunk Jr.(1) Douglas K. Stuart(1) Suetonius(1) Robert C. Tannehill(1) Richard Tarnas(1) Clifton L. Taulbert(1) Barbara Brown Taylor(1) Janis Teegins(1) W. R. Telford(1) Joseph Telushkin(1) Joseph Thayer(1) Helmut Thielicke(1) Thomas Aquinas(2) Bonnie Bowman Thurston(1) Phyllis Tickle(2) Paul Tillich(1) J. R. R. Tolkien(1) Stephen Toulmin(1) Ernst Troeltsch(1) Joe E. Trull(1) Ruth Tucker(1) United Bible Societies(1) University of Oxford(1) John Updike(4) Kevin J. Vanhoozer(1) Paul Veyne(1) Fay Vincent(1) Miroslav Volf(1) Voltaire(1) Jim Wallis(2) Michael Walzer(1) Kallistos Ware(1) Robert Penn Warren(1) J. Denny Weaver(1) Joseph M. Webb(1) Timothy P. Weber(1) John B. Webster(1) Thomas G. West(1) Marion Wheeler(1) James F. White(2) Raewynne J. Whiteley(1) William R. White(3) Susan Willhauck(1) Lamar Williamson(1) William H. Willimon(5) Garry Wills(1) Paul Scott Wilson(2) Anne E. Streaty Wimberly(1) Walter Wink(1) Lauren F. Winner(1) J. Philip Wogaman(2) Nicholas Wolterstorff(4) World Council of Churches(1) N. T. Wright(1) Mark Yaconelli(1) John Howard Yoder(6) John Zizioulas(1)