Llibres controvertits de MyOwnMaster

Aquesta pàgina mostra els llibres més "controvertits" de la teva biblioteca mesurats segons la desviació estàndard més alta de la valoració dels membres.

Desviació estàndard Valoració mitjana La teva valoració Títol
1.111 4.01 Air Guitar: Essays on Art & Democracy de Dave Hickey
1.103 3.52 Eros i civilització : una investigació filosòfica sobre Freud de Herbert Marcuse
1.1 3.44 Vernon God Little de DBC Pierre
1.098 3.58 101 Unuseless Japanese Inventions: The Art of Chindogu de Kenji Kawakami
1.095 3.28 Mals averanys de Günter Grass
1.093 3.7 A Brief History of the Paradox: Philosophy and the Labyrinths of the Mind de Roy Sorensen
1.085 3.58 The Sounds of Poetry: A Brief Guide de Robert Pinsky
1.075 3.55 The Knowing-Doing Gap: How Smart Companies Turn Knowledge into Action de Jeffrey Pfeffer
1.072 3.88 At Swim-Two-Birds de Flann O'Brien
1.069 4.08 The Tunnel de William H. Gass
1.064 3.87 Choice Theory: A New Psychology of Personal Freedom de William Glasser
1.056 3.37 Later the Same Day de Grace Paley
1.051 3.79 The Flounder de Günter Grass
1.046 3.62 The Big Moo: Stop Trying to Be Perfect and Start Being Remarkable de The Group of *
1.033 3.62 Unless de Carol Shields
1.024 3.81 Sexual Personae: Art and Decadence from Nefertiti to Emily Dickinson de Camille Paglia
1.017 3.57 Neu de Orhan Pamuk
1.015 4.12 Edwin Mullhouse: The Life and Death of an American Writer 1943-1954 by Jeffrey Cartwright de Steven Millhauser
1.014 3.78 White Noise de Don DeLillo
1.014 3.8 Annotated Art de Robert Cumming
1.014 4 Geek Love de Katherine Dunn
1.007 4.09 The Time Traveler's Wife de Audrey Niffenegger
1.006 3.82 The Painted Bird de Jerzy Kosiński
1.001 3.94 The White Goddess de Robert Graves
0.999 3.45 Wormholes: Essays and Occasional Writings de John Fowles
0.998 3.95 L'amor en els temps del còlera de Gabriel Garcia Marquez
0.996 3.91 The Trusted Advisor de David H. Maister
0.991 3.92 The Art of Possibility: Transforming Professional and Personal Life de Rosamund Stone Zander
0.989 3.72 Don't Tell the Grown-Ups: The Subversive Power of Children's Literature de Alison Lurie
0.986 3.7 Resquillades de trascantó de Woody Allen
0.986 4 La insostenible lleugeresa del ser de Milan Kundera
0.982 3.77 L'art de la novel·la de Milan Kundera
0.981 3.85 The Conquest of Happiness de Bertrand Russell
0.98 3.94 An Instance of the Fingerpost de Iain Pears
0.978 3.85 The Wit And Wisdom of Discworld de Terry Pratchett
0.977 4.01 Els Somnis d'Einstein de Alan Lightman
0.975 3.74 White Teeth de Zadie Smith
0.972 3.72 The Oxford Companion to the Mind de Richard L. Gregory
0.97 3.71 A Thousand Acres de Jane Smiley
0.967 4.18 Viatge al fons de la nit de Louis-Ferdinand Céline
0.966 3.81 In the Lake of the Woods de Tim O'Brien
0.962 3.58 Sudden Fiction: American Short-Short Stories de Robert Shapard
0.962 3.78 La consciència de Zeno de Italo Svevo
0.961 4.05 Si una nit d'hivern un viatger de Italo Calvino
0.951 3.95 La immortalitat de Milan Kundera
0.951 3.46 Literary Trivia: Fun and Games for Book Lovers de Richard Lederer
0.95 3.72 No logo : el poder de les marques de Naomi Klein
0.949 3.74 Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America de Barbara Ehrenreich
0.947 3.72 Zen in the Art of Archery de Eugen Herrigel
0.945 3.95 Bel Canto de Ann Patchett
0.944 4.26 La vida manual d'ús: novel.les de Georges Perec
0.944 3.99 Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience de Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
0.94 4.19 The Ways of White Folks: Stories de Langston Hughes
0.935 3.93 In the Heart of the Heart of the Country & Other Stories de William H. Gass
0.932 3.72 Brief Interviews with Hideous Men de David Foster Wallace
0.929 4.1 A Mencken Chrestomathy: His Own Selection of His Choicest Writing de H. L. Mencken
0.927 3.79 Hidden Order: The Economics of Everyday Life de David D. Friedman
0.922 3.76 The God of Animals de Aryn Kyle
0.919 4.22 El mestre i Margarida de Mikhail Bulgakov
0.918 4.06 American Gods {original} de Neil Gaiman
0.918 3.01 The Diagnosis de Alan Lightman
0.917 3.53 Him With His Foot in His Mouth and Other Stories de Saul Bellow
0.916 3.83 Història del món en deu capítols i mig de Julian Barnes
0.915 4.15 The Waste Land and Other Poems de T. S. Eliot
0.915 3.34 Goats de Mark Jude Poirier
0.914 4.08 At the Bottom of the Garden: A Dark History of Fairies, Hobgoblins, Nymphs, and Other Troublesome Things de Diane Purkiss
0.914 3.95 Behind the Scenes at the Museum de Kate Atkinson
0.914 4.05 Citizens: A Chronicle of the French Revolution de Simon Schama
0.912 3.77 The Naked Ape: A Zoologist's Study of the Human Animal de Desmond Morris
0.912 3.66 Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha de Roddy Doyle
0.911 3.75 An Anthology of Graphic Fiction, Cartoons, and True Stories de Ivan Brunetti
0.911 4.19 Mort a crèdit de Louis-Ferdinand Céline
0.909 3.89 The Art of the Tale: An International Anthology of Short Stories de Daniel Halpern
0.908 3.85 You've Got to Read This: Contemporary American Writers Introduce Stories that Held Them in Awe de Ron Hansen
0.908 3.77 Lying on the Couch de Irvin Yalom
0.908 3.94 Tots els noms de José Saramago
0.902 3.42 Fuzzy Thinking: The New Science of Fuzzy Logic de Bart Kosko
0.9 3.78 Blood Music de Greg Bear
0.899 3.89 Dotze contes pelegrins de Gabriel Garcia Marquez
0.899 4.06 Jesus' Son: Stories de Denis Johnson
0.897 3.86 Listen, Little Man! de Wilhelm Reich
0.897 3.91 Why I Am Not a Christian and Other Essays on Religion and Related Subjects de Bertrand Russell
0.895 3.61 1000 Record Covers de Michael Ochs
0.892 3.83 La frontera de l'èxit : el punt d'inflexió de modes i epidèmies de Malcolm Gladwell
0.892 3.71 The Stone Raft de José Saramago
0.89 3.87 El llibre del riure i de l'oblit de Milan Kundera
0.886 3.57 Home Town de Tracy Kidder
0.885 3.92 The Best American Short Stories of the Century de John Updike
0.879 4.05 Kafka a la platja de Haruki Murakami
0.876 4.08 El guepard de Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa
0.875 4.01 Love's Executioner & Other Tales of Psychotherapy de Irvin Yalom
0.874 3.85 A Far Cry from Kensington de Muriel Spark
0.874 4.01 The Crow Road de Iain Banks
0.873 4.04 The Art of Fiction de John Gardner
0.871 4.14 A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again: Essays and Arguments de David Foster Wallace
0.869 4.17 Crònica de l'ocell que dóna corda al món de Haruki Murakami
0.869 3.99 Pastoralia de George Saunders
0.867 4.08 Les bruixes de Roald Dahl
0.866 4.07 Prínceps de Maine, reis de Nova Anglaterra de John Irving
0.865 3.94 L'home que va confondre la seva dona amb un barret de Oliver Sacks
0.862 3.93 Revenge of the Lawn: Stories 1962-1970 de Richard Brautigan
0.861 3.87 Woe Is I: The Grammarphobe's Guide to Better English in Plain English de Patricia T. O'Conner
0.86 3.88 The Golden Bough de James George Frazer
0.86 3.84 The Theory of the Leisure Class de Thorstein Veblen
0.86 4.05 La Passió de Jeanette Winterson
0.857 3.59 The Heart of Change: Real-Life Stories of How People Change Their Organizations de John P. Kotter
0.856 4.25 Good Omens de Terry Pratchett
0.855 3.81 Organizing from the Inside Out de Julie Morgenstern
0.851 4.18 Cartes a un jove poeta de Rainer Maria Rilke
0.85 3.83 If the River Was Whiskey de T.C. Boyle
0.85 4.23 Letting Go of the Words, Second Edition: Writing Web Content that Works de Janice (Ginny) Redish
0.839 3.83 L'elefant desapareix de Haruki Murakami
0.838 4.13 Open Secrets de Alice Munro
0.837 4 Murrow: His Life and Times de A.M. Sperber
0.833 3.95 Thinking in Pictures: My Life with Autism de Temple Grandin
0.832 4.11 Lewis Carroll: A Biography de Morton N. Cohen
0.83 3.81 The World and Other Places de Jeanette Winterson
0.825 3.75 What Jane Austen Ate and Charles Dickens Knew de Daniel Pool
0.82 4.14 A Distant Mirror: The Calamitous 14th Century de Barbara W. Tuchman
0.82 3.37 A Hog on Ice de Charles E. Funk
0.816 3.8 Aspects of the Novel de E. M. Forster
0.816 4.34 Autobiography of Red: A Novel in Verse de Anne Carson
0.816 3.93 Your Inner Fish: A Journey into the 3.5-Billion-Year History of the Human Body de Neil Shubin
0.815 4.23 The Sagas of Icelanders de Örnólfur Thorsson
0.814 3.79 A Tidewater Morning: Three Tales from Youth de William Styron
0.811 4.08 Italian Folktales de Italo Calvino
0.801 3.5 They Went That-a-Way de Malcolm Forbes
0.797 4.09 L'Enigma de Fermat : la història d'un teorema que ha desconcertat els més grans savis durant 358 anys de Simon Singh
0.79 3.88 House de Tracy Kidder
0.788 3.81 Nataixa i altres històries (Natasha and Other Stories). de David Bezmozgis
0.782 3.77 The Patron Saint of Liars de Ann Patchett
0.771 4.18 Selected Poems de T. S. Eliot
0.769 4.16 The Complete Plays de Joe Orton
0.768 3.65 The Glass Bees de Ernst Jünger
0.767 4.32 The Collected Tales of Nikolai Gogol de Nikolai Vassilievitx Gogol
0.766 4.02 The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Mythology de Arthur Cotterell
0.766 3.92 Chaucer's Canterbury Tales (Selected): An Interlinear Translation de Geoffrey Chaucer
0.766 3.26 The Dick Gibson Show de Stanley Elkin
0.765 3.81 The Uses of Literature de Italo Calvino
0.76 3.98 Dorothy Parker: What Fresh Hell Is This? de Marion Meade
0.759 3.81 Nigger: The Strange Career of a Troublesome Word de Randall Kennedy
0.755 4.1 An Anthropologist On Mars: Seven Paradoxical Tales de Oliver Sacks
0.754 3.94 Dangling in the Tournefortia de Charles Bukowski
0.753 4.4 The Complete Monty Python's Flying Circus: All The Words, Volume 1 de Graham Chapman
0.753 4.36 The Portable Dorothy Parker [1973 Deluxe Edition] de Dorothy Parker
0.752 4.11 Confederates in the Attic: Dispatches from the Unfinished Civil War de Tony Horwitz
0.748 4.3 I Can't Go On, I'll Go On: A Samuel Beckett Reader de Samuel Beckett
0.736 3.18 Blue River de Ethan Canin
0.728 3.93 The Best American Travel Writing 2007 de Susan Orlean
0.703 3.93 Bacacay de Witold Gombrowicz
0.703 4.32 Closing the Ring de Winston S. Churchill
0.7 4.23 Dear Genius: The Letters of Ursula Nordstrom de Ursula Nordstrom
0.688 3.92 The Roosevelts: An American Saga de Peter Collier
0.665 4.37 Essays of E.B. White de E. B. White
0.608 3.7 Eccentrics: A Study of Sanity and Strangeness de David Weeks