Llibres controvertits de philbeverly87

Aquesta pàgina mostra els llibres més "controvertits" de la teva biblioteca mesurats segons la desviació estàndard més alta de la valoració dels membres.

Desviació estàndard Valoració mitjana La teva valoració Títol
1.335 3.63 God's Promises for Your Every Need de A. L. Gill
1.272 3.47 The Purpose Driven Life de Rick Warren
1.181 3.61 Wild at Heart: Discovering the Secret of a Man's Soul de John Eldredge
1.168 3.55 The Heart of Redness de Zakes Mda
1.165 3.75 Heart of Darkness [Norton Critical Edition] de Joseph Conrad
1.142 3.46 Manifest del Partit Comunista de Karl Marx
1.124 3.43 Crossroads of Twilight de Robert Jordan
1.097 3.79 The Twilight of Atheism: The Rise and Fall of Disbelief in the Modern World de Alister McGrath
1.093 3.93 The Qur'an (Abdel Haleem) de M. A. S. Abdel Haleem
1.087 3.85 The Case for Christ: A Journalist's Personal Investigation of the Evidence for Jesus de Lee Strobel
1.08 3.98 A New Kind of Christian: A Tale of Two Friends on a Spiritual Journey de Brian D. McLaren
1.069 3.86 El Silmaríl·lion de J. R. R. Tolkien
1.061 3.68 A Consumers' Republic: The Politics of Mass Consumption in Postwar America de Lizabeth Cohen
1.056 3.71 Romeu i Julieta de William Shakespeare
1.053 3.5 News from No Man's Land: Reporting the World de John Simpson
1.051 3.47 El Darrer dels mohicans de James Fenimore Cooper
1.044 3.56 Winter's Heart de Robert Jordan
1.044 3.63 The End of Poverty: Economic Possibilities for Our Time de Jeffrey D. Sachs
1.043 3.88 L'última batalla de C. S. Lewis
1.043 3.71 Senyor de les mosques de William Golding
1.036 3.77 MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers de Joseph Gibaldi
1.032 3.54 Billy Budd and Other Stories de Herman Melville
1.03 3.65 The Moviegoer de Walker Percy
1.03 3.85 El gran Gatsby de F. Scott Fitzgerald
1.026 3.53 The Path of Daggers de Robert Jordan
1.02 4.18 My Utmost for His Highest: An Updated Edition in Today's Language de Oswald Chambers
1.016 3.53 The Lexus and the Olive Tree: Understanding Globalization de Thomas L. Friedman
1.01 3.75 Em dic Vermell de Orhan Pamuk
1.008 3.88 Grans esperances de Charles Dickens
1.004 3.88 A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations de Kate L. Turabian
1.004 4.12 El raïm de la ira de John Steinbeck
1 3.78 La cabana de l'oncle Tom de Harriet Beecher Stowe
0.991 3.66 World on Fire: How Exporting Free Market Democracy Breeds Ethnic Hatred and Global Instability de Amy Chua
0.991 3.99 Fundamentalism and American Culture de George M. Marsden
0.988 3.89 Les Aventures d'en Huckleberry Finn de Mark Twain
0.985 3.63 The First 90 Days: Critical Success Strategies for New Leaders at All Levels de Michael Watkins
0.985 3.98 The St. Martin's Handbook de Andrea A. Lunsford
0.984 3.99 Plora, pàtria estimada de Alan Paton
0.983 3.88 Without Remorse de Tom Clancy
0.979 3.64 A Crown of Swords de Robert Jordan
0.975 3.92 Orientalism de Edward W. Said
0.973 3.9 The Accidental Guerrilla: Fighting Small Wars in the Midst of a Big One de David Kilcullen
0.97 3.88 Freedom of Simplicity de Richard J. Foster
0.968 3.71 El Príncep de Niccolò Machiavelli
0.967 3.74 Juli Cèsar de William Shakespeare
0.966 4 The Eye of the World de Robert Jordan
0.963 3.91 Evil and the Justice of God de N. T. Wright
0.962 4.08 The Federalist Papers de Alexander Hamilton
0.961 3.73 Blackwater: The Rise of the World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army de Jeremy Scahill
0.959 3.51 Longitudes and Attitudes de Thomas L. Friedman
0.957 3.86 El cavall i el noi de C. S. Lewis
0.956 3.81 Lord of Chaos de Robert Jordan
0.955 3.62 Hey Nostradamus! de Douglas Coupland
0.954 3.8 Càndid o l'optimisme de Voltaire
0.951 3.76 Viatge a l'Índia de E. M. Forster
0.951 4.35 The Divine Conspiracy: Rediscovering Our Hidden Life In God de Dallas Willard
0.945 3.89 Knife of Dreams de Robert Jordan
0.942 4.03 Odissea de Homer
0.94 4.04 Quick Vegetarian Pleasures: More than 175 Fast, Delicious, and Healthy Meatless Recipes de Jeanne Lemlin
0.939 4.01 Macbeth de William Shakespeare
0.939 4 Nine Hills to Nambonkaha: Two Years in the Heart of an African Village de Sarah Erdman
0.939 4.12 The Screwtape Letters / Screwtape Proposes a Toast de C. S. Lewis
0.938 3.92 El nebot del mag de C. S. Lewis
0.937 3.78 Epopeia de Guilgameix de Gilgamesh Poet
0.937 3.91 George Macdonald: An Anthology de George MacDonald
0.935 3.85 The Fires of Heaven de Robert Jordan
0.932 3.74 New Spring de Robert Jordan
0.932 3.99 Haroun i el mar de les històries de Salman Rushdie
0.932 3.96 The Shadow Rising de Robert Jordan
0.929 4.21 El Retorn del fill pròdig : una història de tornada a casa de Henri J. M. Nouwen
0.928 4.1 El lleó, la bruixa i l'armari de C. S. Lewis
0.922 3.48 Managing the Non-Profit Organization: Principles and Practices de Peter F. Drucker
0.922 3.88 El tron de plata de C. S. Lewis
0.92 4.23 A People's History of the United States de Howard Zinn
0.919 4.18 Simply In Season de Mary Beth Lind
0.915 3.81 Langenscheidt's Pocket German Dictionary de Langenscheidt Publishers
0.914 4 La revolta dels animals de George Orwell
0.913 4.11 Res de nou a l'oest de Erich Maria Remarque
0.912 3.8 In an Antique Land de Amitav Ghosh
0.912 4.1 The Wretched of the Earth de Frantz Fanon
0.911 4.26 Mere Christianity de C. S. Lewis
0.911 4.14 The Chosen de Chaim Potok
0.91 4.25 Crim i càstig de Fyodor Dostoevsky
0.91 4.01 Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity de David Allen
0.91 3.86 El príncep Caspian de C. S. Lewis
0.908 4.26 Guerra i pau de Leo Tolstoy
0.906 4.03 La travessia del Navegant de l'Alba de C. S. Lewis
0.906 3.71 No Longer at Ease de Chinua Achebe
0.904 3.95 Nervous Conditions de Tsitsi Dangarembga
0.903 4.26 Els Miserables de Victor Hugo
0.9 3.84 The Gift: The Form and Reason for Exchange in Archaic Societies de Marcel Mauss
0.898 3.92 Els Talibans : l'Islam, el petroli i el nou "Gran Joc" a l'Àsia Central de Ahmed Rashid
0.897 3.98 Dances with Wolves de Michael Blake
0.896 3.99 The Dragon Reborn de Robert Jordan
0.893 3.76 The Gifts of the Jews: How a Tribe of Desert Nomads Changed the Way Everyone Thinks and Feels de Thomas Cahill
0.892 4 The Great Hunt de Robert Jordan
0.89 3.93 Classical Myth de Barry B. Powell
0.89 4 Rise to Rebellion de Jeff Shaara
0.887 3.67 The Runaway Jury de John Grisham
0.886 4.16 When helping hurts : how to alleviate poverty without hurting the poor -- and yourself de Steve Corbett
0.885 4.06 Our Dumb World: The Onion's Atlas of the Planet Earth, 73rd Edition de The Onion
0.885 3.78 Blood Rites: Origins and History of the Passions of War de Barbara Ehrenreich
0.884 4.1 Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies de Jared Diamond
0.884 3.97 Festí de corbs de George R. R. Martin
0.881 3.86 The Savage Wars Of Peace: Small Wars And The Rise Of American Power de Max Boot
0.878 3.7 El Malestar de la globalització de Joseph E. Stiglitz
0.872 4.18 El Pont sobre el Drina de Ivo Andrić
0.871 4.04 Dansa amb dracs de George R. R. Martin
0.869 3.51 The Balkans: A Short History de Mark Mazower
0.868 4.13 Discipline & Punish: The Birth of the Prison de Michel Foucault
0.868 3.97 The Columbian Exchange: Biological and Cultural Consequences of 1492 de Alfred W. Crosby
0.866 4.21 The Great Divorce de C. S. Lewis
0.862 3.98 Jesus among Other Gods de Ravi Zacharias
0.861 3.73 Christ and Culture de H. Richard Niebuhr
0.859 3.92 Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal de Eric Schlosser
0.854 4.02 A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier de Ishmael Beah
0.853 4.23 1984 de George Orwell
0.853 4.02 The Last Full Measure de Jeff Shaara
0.852 4.37 Els germans Karamàzov de Fyodor Dostoevsky
0.852 4.38 Arabic-English Dictionary: The Hans Wehr Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic de Hans Wehr
0.85 3.75 A History of the Arab Peoples de Albert Hourani
0.842 4.04 Un Dia d'Ivan Deníssovitx de Alexander Solzhenitsyn
0.841 4.2 The Irresistible Revolution: Living as an Ordinary Radical de Shane Claiborne
0.839 4.35 Joc de trons de George R. R. Martin
0.838 3.83 The Communist Manifesto and Other Revolutionary Writings: Marx, Marat, Paine, Mao, Gandhi, and Others de Bob Blaisdell
0.835 3.98 From Beirut to Jerusalem de Thomas L. Friedman
0.833 3.7 India: A History de John Keay
0.833 3.88 Baburnama de Zahir Uddin Muhammad Babur
0.83 4.29 La Nit de Elie Wiesel
0.825 3.57 The Christians and the Fall of Rome de Edward Gibbon
0.823 4.06 The Glorious Cause de Jeff Shaara
0.822 3.7 Covering Islam: How the Media and the Experts Determine How We See the Rest of the World de Edward W. Said
0.822 3.85 The Price of Inequality: How Today's Divided Society Endangers Our Future de Joseph E. Stiglitz
0.812 4.16 The American Heritage College Dictionary de American Heritage
0.811 4.39 East of Eden de John Steinbeck
0.81 4 The Ethics of What We Eat de Peter Singer
0.807 4.23 The Gathering Storm de Robert Jordan
0.805 4.21 The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals de Michael Pollan
0.805 4.15 Race Against Time: Searching for Hope in AIDS-Ravaged Africa de Stephen Lewis
0.803 3.6 The U.S. Army/Marine Corps Counterinsurgency Field Manual de United States Army
0.803 4.33 A Memory of Light de Robert Jordan
0.802 4.27 Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee de Dee Brown
0.799 3.72 On Violence de Hannah Arendt
0.798 4.28 Cartes des de la presó de Dietrich Bonhoeffer
0.797 4.31 The Prize: The Epic Quest for Oil, Money, and Power de Daniel Yergin
0.796 4.18 Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood de Marjane Satrapi
0.792 3.83 History: A Very Short Introduction de John H. Arnold
0.787 3.87 Good Muslim, Bad Muslim: America, The Cold War, and the Roots of Terror de Mahmood Mamdani
0.78 4.53 El Senyor dels anells de J. R. R. Tolkien
0.778 4.08 No god but God: The Origins, Evolution, and Future of Islam de Reza Aslan
0.77 4.27 Towers of Midnight de Robert Jordan
0.768 4.11 Salonica, City of Ghosts: Christians, Muslims and Jews, 1430-1950 de Mark Mazower
0.765 3.8 Toxic Charity: How Churches and Charities Hurt Those They Help, And How to Reverse It de Robert D. Lupton
0.757 3.86 Engaging God's World: A Christian Vision of Faith, Learning, and Living de Cornelius Plantinga
0.75 4.11 Humanity : a moral history of the twentieth century de Jonathan Glover
0.749 4.29 The Looming Tower: Al-Qaeda and the Road to 9/11 de Lawrence Wright
0.746 4.31 Xoc de reis de George R. R. Martin
0.743 4.42 Tormenta de espadas de George R. R. Martin
0.741 4.32 How to Cook Everything: Vegetarian de Mark Bittman
0.737 4.27 Transposition and other Addresses de C. S. Lewis
0.727 4.38 The Mantle of the Prophet: religion and politics in Iran de Roy Mottahedeh
0.722 4.34 Els Enfonsats i els salvats de Primo Levi
0.721 4.2 Pathologies of Power: Health, Human Rights, and the New War on the Poor de Paul Farmer
0.686 4.2 Exterminate All the Brutes de Sven Lindqvist
0.685 4.28 Under a Cruel Star: A Life in Prague 1941-1968 de Heda Margolius Kovaly
0.661 4.23 What Is the Mission of the Church?: Making Sense of Social Justice, Shalom, and the Great Commission de Kevin DeYoung
0.587 3.98 How Does It Feel to Be a Problem?: Being Young and Arab in America de Moustafa Bayoumi