Llibres controvertits de canreader

Aquesta pàgina mostra els llibres més "controvertits" de la teva biblioteca mesurats segons la desviació estàndard més alta de la valoració dels membres.

Desviació estàndard Valoració mitjana La teva valoració Títol
1.437 3.61 Hunger's Brides de Paul Anderson
1.256 2.98 The Book of God and Physics: A Novel of the Voynich Mystery de Enrique Joven
1.213 3.55 L'alquimista de Paulo Coelho
1.17 3.67 River of the Brokenhearted de David Adams Richards
1.167 2.92 Spadework de Timothy Findley
1.165 3.53 El codi Da Vinci de Dan Brown
1.16 3.8 Moby Dick de Herman Melville
1.143 3.63 Tròpic de Càncer de Henry Miller
1.142 3.46 Manifest del Partit Comunista de Karl Marx
1.13 3.23 Beatrice and Virgil de Yann Martel
1.128 3.78 El vigilant en el camp de sègol de J. D. Salinger
1.114 3.63 En el camino de Jack Kerouac
1.111 3.42 Beautiful Losers de Leonard Cohen
1.106 3.47 The Little Book de Selden Edwards
1.106 3.48 Next Episode de Hubert Aquin
1.105 3.63 A Beautiful Truth de Colin McAdam
1.098 3.21 Fortalesa digital de Dan Brown
1.092 3.84 The Bay of Love and Sorrows de David Adams Richards
1.09 2.98 The Poe Shadow de Matthew Pearl
1.09 3.64 Àngels i dimonis de Dan Brown
1.082 3.8 El zen i l'art del manteniment de la motocicleta de Robert M. Pirsig
1.08 3.98 A New Kind of Christian: A Tale of Two Friends on a Spiritual Journey de Brian D. McLaren
1.074 3.58 Rabbit, Run de John Updike
1.069 3.49 Fins que et trobi de John Irving
1.066 3.43 Imprimatur de Rita Monaldi
1.066 3.68 L'historiador de Elizabeth Kostova
1.065 3.75 Les correccions de Jonathan Franzen
1.062 3.89 Quicksilver de Neal Stephenson
1.059 3.4 The Winter Vault de Anne Michaels
1.057 3.44 The Red Badge of Courage de Stephen Crane
1.055 3.38 El símbol perdut de Dan Brown
1.052 3.05 L'Enigma del quatre de Ian Caldwell
1.05 3.48 El mar de John Banville
1.05 3.46 9-11 de Noam Chomsky
1.049 3.72 Heart of Darkness and The Secret Sharer de Joseph Conrad
1.046 3.54 Turing's Cathedral: The Origins of the Digital Universe de George Dyson
1.045 3.94 Jonathan Strange i el senyor Norrell de Susanna Clarke
1.043 3.74 The White Bone de Barbara Gowdy
1.042 2.81 Adultery de Richard B. Wright
1.041 3.34 Deception Point de Dan Brown
1.039 3.78 Llibertat de Jonathan Franzen
1.036 3.87 El déu de les coses petites de Arundhati Roy
1.034 3.68 Assassinat a la catedral de T. S. Eliot
1.034 3.91 Fall on Your Knees de Ann-Marie MacDonald
1.033 3.62 Unless de Carol Shields
1.033 3.71 Contes de Canterbury de Geoffrey Chaucer
1.033 3.72 The Dream of Scipio de Iain Pears
1.032 3.8 The Fat Woman Next Door Is Pregnant de Michel Tremblay
1.031 3.61 El trastorn de Portnoy de Philip Roth
1.03 3.25 Squirrel Seeks Chipmunk de David Sedaris
1.026 3.77 Fugitive Pieces de Anne Michaels
1.022 3.85 Tot està il·luminat de Jonathan Safran Foer
1.021 3.66 Herzog de Saul Bellow
1.02 3.66 Angels and Ages: A Short Book About Darwin, Lincoln, and Modern Life de Adam Gopnik
1.018 3.67 Cockroach de Rawi Hage
1.016 3.65 The Crucible: A Play in Four Acts de Arthur Miller
1.016 3.61 Money: A Suicide Note de Martin Amis
1.012 3.36 El Club Dante de Matthew Pearl
1.011 3.5 Such Is My Beloved de Morley Callaghan
1.01 3.84 Man and Superman de George Bernard Shaw
1.008 3.8 The Children's Book de A.S. Byatt
1.007 4.1 Catch-22 de Joseph Heller
1.007 4.09 The Time Traveler's Wife de Audrey Niffenegger
1.006 3.9 The English Patient de Michael Ondaatje
1.003 3.55 Baudolino de Umberto Eco
1.003 3.56 Inferno de Dan Brown
1.002 3.91 The Case for God de Karen Armstrong
0.999 3.9 Història de Pi de Yann Martel
0.998 3.33 La misteriosa flama de la reina Loana de Umberto Eco
0.998 3.46 Els lladres del cigne de Elizabeth Kostova
0.997 3.96 El noi del pijama de ratlles de John Boyne
0.997 3.98 Wolf Hall de Hilary Mantel
0.997 3.65 The Divine Ryans de Wayne Johnston
0.996 3.74 Un adéu a les armes de Ernest Hemingway
0.996 3.68 A Visit from the Goon Squad de Jennifer Egan
0.993 3.11 Fall de Colin McAdam
0.993 3.44 The Matter with Morris de David Bergen
0.99 3.94 The Goldfinch de Donna Tartt
0.989 3.79 Karl Marx: Selected Writings de Karl Marx
0.988 3.93 La muntanya dels set cercles de Thomas Merton
0.988 4.1 L'origen de les espècies de Charles Darwin
0.987 3.71 The Underpainter de Jane Urquhart
0.987 3.95 The Friends of Meager Fortune de David Adams Richards
0.986 3.94 The God Delusion de Richard Dawkins
0.985 3.64 Consolation de Michael Redhill
0.984 3.54 October de Richard B. Wright
0.981 3.57 A Son of the Circus de John Irving
0.98 3.87 The Wreckage de Michael Crummey
0.98 3.94 An Instance of the Fingerpost de Iain Pears
0.979 3.54 The End of the Alphabet de CS Richardson
0.979 3.42 The Charlemagne Pursuit de Steve Berry
0.979 3.38 Her Fearful Symmetry de Audrey Niffenegger
0.978 3.64 A Complicated Kindness de Miriam Toews
0.978 4.03 Green Grass, Running Water de Thomas King
0.978 3.93 Expiació de Ian McEwan
0.978 3.54 Atrapa el dia (Seize the day). de Saul Bellow
0.977 3.67 L'avi de 100 anys que es va escapar per la finestra de Jonas Jonasson
0.974 3.52 Divisadero de Michael Ondaatje
0.973 3.73 Paris to the Moon de Adam Gopnik
0.972 3.44 The Portrait de Iain Pears
0.971 4.13 The Gulag Archipelago 1918-1956 Abridged: An Experiment in Literary Investigation de Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
0.97 3.73 The Queen of the South de Arturo Pérez-Reverte
0.969 2.86 The Sentimentalists de Johanna Skibsrud
0.968 3.71 El Príncep de Niccolò Machiavelli
0.968 3.61 A la platja de Chesil de Ian McEwan
0.967 3.8 Joshua Then and Now de Mordecai Richler
0.966 3.85 God: A Biography de Jack Miles
0.966 3.91 Pastoral americana de Philip Roth
0.963 3.81 La Foguera de les vanitats de Tom Wolfe
0.963 3.56 Lionel Asbo : estat d'Anglaterra de Martin Amis
0.963 3.98 El Somni d'una nit d'estiu de William Shakespeare
0.962 3.54 A Map of Glass de Jane Urquhart
0.962 3.93 Per qui toquen les campanes de Ernest Hemingway
0.961 3.68 Dissabte de Ian McEwan
0.961 3.25 La Viuda prenyada : història interior de Martin Amis
0.961 3.89 Sisterhood Everlasting de Ann Brashares
0.959 3.95 In the Skin of a Lion de Michael Ondaatje
0.956 4.17 Els pilars de la Terra de Ken Follett
0.956 3.95 Surprised by Joy: The Shape of My Early Life de C. S. Lewis
0.954 3.51 The Amber Room de Steve Berry
0.953 3.93 A Canticle for Leibowitz de Walter M. Miller Jr.
0.953 3.37 The Rachel Papers de Martin Amis
0.952 3.78 The Virgin Suicides de Jeffrey Eugenides
0.952 3.68 Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated Culture de Douglas Coupland
0.951 3.93 L'Assassí cec de Margaret Atwood
0.948 3.53 La solitud dels nombres primers de Paolo Giordano
0.946 3.94 London de Edward Rutherfurd
0.946 3.51 La Trama matrimonial de Jeffrey Eugenides
0.946 3.75 Mostly Harmless de Douglas Adams
0.946 3.87 Reamde de Neal Stephenson
0.944 4.03 Light Lifting de Alexander MacLeod
0.944 3.75 Islands in the Stream de Ernest Hemingway
0.944 3.93 The Return of the Native de Thomas Hardy
0.943 3.9 Dublinesos de James Joyce
0.942 4.03 Odissea de Homer
0.942 3.56 The Templar Legacy de Steve Berry
0.942 3.88 God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything de Christopher Hitchens
0.941 3.21 La quarta mà de John Irving
0.941 3.61 The Improbability Principle: Why Coincidences, Miracles, and Rare Events Happen Every Day de David J. Hand
0.941 3.44 On a Cold Road: Tales of Adventure in Canadian Rock de Dave Bidini
0.94 4.06 Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close de Jonathan Safran Foer
0.94 3.63 El sopar de Larry de Carol Shields
0.94 3.86 Headhunter de Timothy Findley
0.939 3.61 In One Person de John Irving
0.937 3.87 Mercy Among the Children de David Adams Richards
0.937 3.69 Una dona difícil de John Irving
0.937 3.96 Sarum de Edward Rutherfurd
0.936 4.11 L'ombra del vent de Carlos Ruiz Zafón
0.936 4.24 A Prayer for Owen Meany de John Irving
0.935 3.29 Solar de Ian McEwan
0.934 3.83 The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls in English (Penguin Classics) de Géza Vermes
0.934 3.72 Two Solitudes de Hugh MacLennan
0.931 3.76 The Stone Diaries de Carol Shields
0.93 3.69 El joc de l'àngel de Carlos Ruiz Zafón
0.93 3.75 Slapstick, or, Lonesome No More! de Kurt Vonnegut
0.928 3.6 The Emperor of Paris de CS Richardson
0.926 3.58 A Madman Dreams of Turing Machines de Janna Levin
0.925 4.2 Cryptonomicon de Neal Stephenson
0.924 3.86 A History of God: The 4,000-Year Quest of Judaism, Christianity and Islam de Karen Armstrong
0.924 3.78 El Hombre anumérico : el analfabetismo matemático y sus consecuencias de John Allen Paulos
0.924 3.66 Murther and Walking Spirits de Robertson Davies
0.924 3.92 The Wars de Timothy Findley
0.923 4.18 La Bíblia de l'arbre del verí de Barbara Kingsolver
0.921 3.93 Sobre la llibertat de John Stuart Mill
0.92 4.1 Middlesex de Jeffrey Eugenides
0.92 3.59 The Child in Time de Ian McEwan
0.92 4.02 El cas d'en Barney Panofsky : notes i postfaci de Michael Panofsky de Mordecai Richler
0.919 4.06 The Way the Crow Flies de Ann-Marie MacDonald
0.919 3.75 The Custodian of Paradise de Wayne Johnston
0.919 4.22 El mestre i Margarida de Mikhail Bulgakov
0.917 3.38 Amsterdam de Ian McEwan
0.916 3.86 Stone's Fall de Iain Pears
0.915 3.77 L'Última nit a Twisted River de John Irving
0.915 3.92 New York: The Novel de Edward Rutherfurd
0.914 3.59 Irma Voth de Miriam Toews
0.914 3.78 Coming Through Slaughter de Michael Ondaatje
0.914 4.05 Un món sense fi de Ken Follett
0.912 4.2 The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy de Douglas Adams
0.911 3.52 The Third Secret de Steve Berry
0.911 3.72 Long Way Round: Chasing Shadows Across the World de Ewan McGregor
0.911 3.94 The Problem of Pain de C. S. Lewis
0.91 4.17 The Power of Myth de Joseph Campbell
0.91 3.94 Oryx and Crake de Margaret Atwood
0.909 3.94 Galore de Michael Crummey
0.909 3.44 A World Elsewhere de Wayne Johnston
0.909 3.3 Changing Heaven de Jane Urquhart
0.908 3.93 Lullabies for Little Criminals de Heather O'Neill
0.907 3.96 Ghost Rider: Travels on the Healing Road de Neil Peart
0.907 3.75 Caesar and Cleopatra de George Bernard Shaw
0.906 4.04 Me Talk Pretty One Day de David Sedaris
0.906 3.97 Nit de Reis de William Shakespeare
0.905 3.99 El Conte número tretze de Diane Setterfield
0.905 3.68 The Flanders Panel de Arturo Pérez-Reverte
0.904 4.06 Oxford Dictionary of Quotations de Elizabeth Knowles
0.904 3.53 Stanley Park de Timothy Taylor
0.903 4.19 The HarperCollins Study Bible de Wayne A. Meeks
0.903 3.85 The Stone Carvers de Jane Urquhart
0.903 3.45 Why Men Lie de Linden MacIntyre
0.903 3.77 Paris de Edward Rutherfurd
0.9 3.83 Misquoting Jesus: The Story Behind Who Changed the Bible and Why de Bart D. Ehrman
0.9 3.72 Away de Jane Urquhart
0.899 3.99 Estiu pròdig de Barbara Kingsolver
0.899 3.91 The Rebel Angels de Robertson Davies
0.898 4.02 Tragèdies tebanes: Antígona ; Èdip rei ; Èdip a Colonos de Sophocles
0.896 3.95 A Whale for the Killing de Farley Mowat
0.895 3.39 Utilitarianism de John Stuart Mill
0.894 3.57 Bloodletting and Miraculous Cures: Stories de Vincent Lam
0.894 3.54 De Niro's Game de Rawi Hage
0.894 3.89 Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency de Douglas Adams
0.893 3.21 I Am the Clay de Chaim Potok
0.891 3.78 What Uncle Sam Really Wants de Noam Chomsky
0.891 3.87 The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul de Douglas Adams
0.89 3.9 So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish de Douglas Adams
0.89 4.01 The Game: A Thoughtful and Provocative Look at a Life in Hockey de Ken Dryden
0.89 3.79 Year 501 : The Conquest Continues de Noam Chomsky
0.889 3.82 The Robber Bride de Margaret Atwood
0.888 3.82 Contes inacabats de Númenor i la Terra Mitjana de J. R. R. Tolkien
0.886 3.82 Clara Callan de Richard B. Wright
0.885 3.87 The Cunning Man de Robertson Davies
0.884 4.05 Viatje d'un naturalista al rededor del mon, fet a bordo del barco "Lo Llebrer"(The Beagle) desde 1831 a 1836 de Charles Darwin
0.884 3.46 Alone in the Classroom de Elizabeth Hay
0.884 3.97 Festí de corbs de George R. R. Martin
0.883 3.67 Enduring Love de Ian McEwan
0.883 4.09 Into the silence de Wade Davis
0.882 3.2 Bodily Harm de Margaret Atwood
0.882 3.44 Black Dogs de Ian McEwan
0.881 3.88 Crow Lake de Mary Lawson
0.88 3.88 Un any a la Provença de Peter Mayle
0.88 3.63 The Alexandria Link de Steve Berry
0.88 4.05 The Story We Find Ourselves In: Further Adventures of a New Kind of Christian de Brian D. McLaren
0.88 3.52 Heresy de S. J. Parris
0.88 4.19 El caçador d'estels de Khaled Hosseini
0.879 3.79 The Outlander de Gil Adamson
0.879 3.79 El Sentit d'un final de Julian Barnes
0.877 3.54 The Golden Mean de Annabel Lyon
0.874 3.89 El falcó maltès de Dashiell Hammett
0.872 3.91 Hitch-22 de Christopher Hitchens
0.872 3.63 The Venetian Betrayal de Steve Berry
0.872 3.46 El secret de Christine Falls de Benjamin Black
0.871 4.04 Dansa amb dracs de George R. R. Martin
0.871 3.99 Six Easy Pieces and Six Not-So-Easy Pieces de Richard Feynman
0.871 3.53 King Leary de Paul Quarrington
0.871 3.98 Lluny del brogit del món de Thomas Hardy
0.87 3.69 Half Blood Blues de Esi Edugyan
0.87 3.82 Love Anthony de Lisa Genova
0.87 3.63 La Profecia Romanov de Steve Berry
0.869 3.7 Fruit de Brian Francis
0.869 4.06 Els tres mosqueters de Alexandre Dumas
0.868 4.03 Runaway de Alice Munro
0.868 3.77 The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz de Mordecai Richler
0.868 3.82 Els estranys talents de la Flavia de Alan Bradley
0.868 3.47 Proofiness: The Dark Arts of Mathematical Deception de Charles Seife
0.867 3.91 The Russlander de Sandra Birdsell
0.867 4.2 El nom de la rosa de Umberto Eco
0.867 4.03 La caiguda dels gegants de Ken Follett
0.867 3.65 Late Nights on Air de Elizabeth Hay
0.866 4.07 Prínceps de Maine, reis de Nova Anglaterra de John Irving
0.866 4.02 The Tiger: A True Story of Vengeance and Survival de John Vaillant
0.866 4.18 Harry Potter i la cambra secreta de J. K. Rowling
0.865 3.57 The Paris Vendetta de Steve Berry
0.865 3.7 Shop Class as Soulcraft: An Inquiry Into the Value of Work de Matthew B. Crawford
0.865 3.87 The Best Laid Plans de Terry Fallis
0.865 3.48 The Billionaire's Vinegar: The Mystery of the World's Most Expensive Bottle of Wine de Benjamin Wallace
0.863 3.89 When You Are Engulfed in Flames de David Sedaris
0.861 3.71 The Cat's Table de Michael Ondaatje
0.861 4.29 Harry Potter i la Pedra Filosofal de J. K. Rowling
0.859 3.89 Hell's Angels: The Strange and Terrible Saga of the Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs de Hunter S. Thompson
0.859 3.71 Let's Explore Diabetes with Owls de David Sedaris
0.858 3.8 Mister Pip de Lloyd Jones
0.855 3.52 The Last Dickens de Matthew Pearl
0.855 3.72 The Flying Troutmans de Miriam Toews
0.854 3.96 The Bullpen Gospels: Major League Dreams of a Minor League Veteran de Dirk Hayhurst
0.854 3.77 February de Lisa Moore
0.854 4.37 La Germandat de l'Anell de J. R. R. Tolkien
0.852 4.11 Friend of My Youth: Stories de Alice Munro
0.852 4.37 Els germans Karamàzov de Fyodor Dostoevsky
0.851 3.12 The Time in Between de David Bergen
0.851 4.04 Life, the Universe, and Everything de Douglas Adams
0.85 3.44 L'arbre dels Geníssers de Jason Goodwin
0.849 3.03 The Technologists + The Professor's Assassin de Matthew Pearl
0.848 3.52 The Navigator of New York de Wayne Johnston
0.848 4.28 Harry Potter i l'orde del Fènix de J. K. Rowling
0.847 3.7 The Innocent de Ian McEwan
0.847 3.94 The Last Crossing de Guy Vanderhaeghe
0.847 3.8 Joseph Anton de Salman Rushdie
0.845 4.07 The Restaurant at the End of the Universe de Douglas Adams
0.845 4.09 The Colony of Unrequited Dreams de Wayne Johnston
0.845 4.32 Anne of Green Gables de L. M. Montgomery
0.845 4.27 Fate is the Hunter de Ernest K. Gann
0.843 3.83 Moonwalking with Einstein: The Art and Science of Remembering Everything de Joshua Foer
0.842 4.21 My Name Is Asher Lev de Chaim Potok
0.842 4.01 Naked de David Sedaris
0.84 3.9 The In-Between World of Vikram Lall de M. G. Vassanji
0.839 4.35 Joc de trons de George R. R. Martin
0.838 3.93 Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim de David Sedaris
0.836 4.07 What's Bred in the Bone de Robertson Davies
0.835 4.19 The Confusion de Neal Stephenson
0.835 3.98 From Beirut to Jerusalem de Thomas L. Friedman
0.832 3.95 The Birth House de Ami McKay
0.831 4.26 The Selfish Gene de Richard Dawkins
0.831 4.17 A Short History of Nearly Everything de Bill Bryson
0.829 4.12 The Last Word and the Word after That: A Tale of Faith, Doubt, and a New Kind of Christianity de Brian D. McLaren
0.828 4.25 The System of the World de Neal Stephenson
0.828 4.15 El cinquè en joc de Robertson Davies
0.828 3.84 Payback: Debt and the Shadow Side of Wealth de Margaret Atwood
0.827 3.95 The Perfect Vehicle: What It Is About Motorcycles de Melissa Holbrook Pierson
0.827 3.96 The Lyre of Orpheus de Robertson Davies
0.825 3.87 The Sisters Brothers de Patrick deWitt
0.824 3.89 Such a Long Journey de Rohinton Mistry
0.824 4.36 Un equilibri perfecte de Rohinton Mistry
0.824 3.74 Harper's Bible Dictionary de Paul J. Achtemeier
0.821 3.89 Leaven of Malice de Robertson Davies
0.821 3.5 The Bellini Card de Jason Goodwin
0.82 3.83 The Day the Falls Stood Still de Cathy Marie Buchanan
0.82 3.86 El prisionero del cielo de Carlos Ruiz Zafón
0.819 3.87 The Piano Man's Daughter de Timothy Findley
0.819 3.67 The Climb: Tragic Ambitions on Everest de Anatoli Boukreev
0.817 3.53 Volkswagen Blues de Jacques Poulin
0.816 4.17 The New Fowler's Modern English Usage de R. W. Burchfield
0.816 3.89 Solomon Gursky Was Here de Mordecai Richler
0.815 3.95 Major Pettigrew's Last Stand de Helen Simonson
0.814 3.87 Riding with Rilke: Reflections on Motorcycles and Books de Ted Bishop
0.814 3.82 Nights below Station Street de David Adams Richards
0.812 4.04 The Other Side of the Bridge de Mary Lawson
0.811 3.59 Juliet, naked de Nick Hornby
0.81 4.04 Sense ni cinc a París i Londres de George Orwell
0.81 3.83 Still Life de Louise Penny
0.809 4.42 Harry Potter i les relíquies de la Mort de J. K. Rowling
0.808 4.04 L'hivern del món de Ken Follett
0.807 4.28 Mil sols esplèndids de Khaled Hosseini
0.806 4.4 Les Dues Torres de J. R. R. Tolkien
0.806 3.7 Indignació de Philip Roth
0.806 4.07 World of Wonders de Robertson Davies
0.805 3.96 Afers de família de Rohinton Mistry
0.804 4.02 The Beautiful Mystery de Louise Penny
0.803 3.61 Nikolski de Nicolas Dickner
0.8 3.73 The First World War: An Illustrated History (Penguin Books) de A. J. P. Taylor
0.799 4.19 La Febre del cim : crònica d'una tragedia a l'Everest de Jon Krakauer
0.799 3.6 The Island Walkers de John Bemrose
0.799 4.06 The Cellist of Sarajevo de Steven Galloway
0.795 4.16 The Greatest Show on Earth: The Evidence for Evolution de Richard Dawkins
0.794 4.24 The Orenda de Joseph Boyden
0.793 4.36 Harry Potter i el misteri del Príncep de J. K. Rowling
0.79 3.87 Good to a Fault de Marina Endicott
0.789 3.84 The High Road de Terry Fallis
0.789 3.93 The Bishop's Man de Linden MacIntyre
0.789 4.05 Prisoner of Tehran: A Memoir de Marina Nemat
0.786 4.18 The Collected Essex County de Jeff Lemire
0.785 3.79 Sacrilege de S. J. Parris
0.784 3.89 Climbing Mount Improbable de Richard Dawkins
0.784 4.36 Harry Potter i el calze de foc de J. K. Rowling
0.784 4.27 Long Walk to Freedom: The Autobiography of Nelson Mandela de Nelson Mandela
0.78 4.53 El Senyor dels anells de J. R. R. Tolkien
0.777 3.96 King of the World: Muhammad Ali and the Rise of an American Hero de David Remnick
0.776 3.81 Rockbound de Frank Parker Day
0.776 4.03 The Brutal Telling de Louise Penny
0.776 3.8 Prophecy de S. J. Parris
0.772 3.31 Searching for Bobby Orr de Stephen Brunt
0.772 4.26 Three Day Road de Joseph Boyden
0.771 3.64 The Age Of Hope de David Bergen
0.77 4.09 All My Puny Sorrows de Miriam Toews
0.77 3.96 El Pelegrinatge insòlit de Harold Fry de Rachel Joyce
0.769 4.4 Harry Potter i el pres d'Azkaban de J. K. Rowling
0.768 4.47 El retorn del Rei de J. R. R. Tolkien
0.767 4.19 City of Thieves de David Benioff
0.766 4.31 The Book of Negroes de Lawrence Hill
0.763 4.01 Life: A Natural History of the First Four Billion Years of Life on Earth de Richard A. Fortey
0.759 3.73 River Thieves de Michael Crummey
0.759 3.74 This Cake is for the Party de Sarah Selecky
0.756 4.24 Little Princes: One Man's Promise to Bring Home the Lost Children of Nepal de Conor Grennan
0.751 3.97 Annabel de Kathleen Winter
0.75 3.75 You Went Away de Timothy Findley
0.746 4.31 Xoc de reis de George R. R. Martin
0.746 3.93 Eight Little Piggies: Reflections in Natural History de Stephen Jay Gould
0.743 4.42 Tormenta de espadas de George R. R. Martin
0.742 4.33 Bring Up the Bodies de Hilary Mantel
0.74 3.93 A Fatal Grace de Louise Penny
0.736 4.39 The Millennium Trilogy de Stieg Larsson
0.736 3.97 I Am Half-Sick of Shadows de Alan Bradley
0.735 3.7 The Retreat de David Bergen
0.722 3.96 La mort no és cap joc de nens de Alan Bradley
0.717 4.35 How the Light Gets In de Louise Penny
0.713 3.69 Second Generation de Howard Fast
0.713 4.05 Through Black Spruce de Joseph Boyden
0.709 4.15 The New Testament Background: Selected Documents de Charles K. Barrett
0.707 3.96 A Red Herring Without Mustard de Alan Bradley
0.707 4.04 The Dead in Their Vaulted Arches de Alan Bradley
0.706 3.98 The Cruellest Month de Louise Penny
0.704 4.01 A Rule Against Murder de Louise Penny
0.698 3.96 Something Fierce: Memoirs of a Revolutionary Daughter de Carmen Aguirre
0.698 3.61 La serp de pedra de Jason Goodwin
0.697 4.06 Ever Since Darwin: Reflections on Natural History de Stephen Jay Gould
0.697 4.19 Filthy Lucre: Economics for People Who Hate Capitalism de Joseph Heath
0.696 4.06 The Reluctant Mr. Darwin: An Intimate Portrait of Charles Darwin and the Making of His Theory of Evolution de David Quammen
0.696 3.5 The Street de Mordecai Richler
0.694 4.23 Bury Your Dead de Louise Penny
0.688 3.63 Sanctuary Line de Jane Urquhart
0.685 4.04 Born With A Tooth de Joseph Boyden
0.682 4.11 Speaking From Among the Bones de Alan Bradley
0.68 4.14 Liberating the Gospels: Reading the Bible with Jewish Eyes de John Shelby Spong
0.675 4.13 A Trick of the Light de Louise Penny
0.653 3.56 The Bone Cage de Angie Abdou
0.648 3.72 An Evil Eye de Jason Goodwin
0.644 4.71 The New Shorter Oxford English Dictionary de Lesley Brown
0.644 4.19 Road Ends de Mary Lawson
0.64 3.95 Stolen Continents: The Americas through Indian Eyes since 1492 de Ronald Wright
0.64 3.55 No Relation de Terry Fallis
0.633 4.1 Up and Down de Terry Fallis
0.618 4.4 The Spirit of St. Louis de Charles A. Lindbergh
0.58 3.78 The Whirlpool de Jane Urquhart