Llibres controvertits de PeggyMiller

Aquesta pàgina mostra els llibres més "controvertits" de la teva biblioteca mesurats segons la desviació estàndard més alta de la valoració dels membres.

Desviació estàndard Valoració mitjana La teva valoració Títol
1.372 3.59 Leadership and the New Science: Discovering Order in a Chaotic World de Margaret J. Wheatley
1.326 3.16 Las nueve revelaciones de James Redfield
1.301 3.71 Atlas Shrugged de Ayn Rand
1.294 3.6 Roget's II: The New Thesaurus de Robert Masters
1.29 4.09 The Oxford Companion to American Literature de James D. Hart
1.262 4.24 Jesus Calling: Enjoying Peace in His Presence de Sarah Young
1.253 3.54 Sonnets from the Portuguese and Other Love Poems de Elizabeth Barrett Browning
1.249 3.93 A Marvelous Work and a Wonder de LeGrand Richards
1.237 3.26 Qui s'ha endut el meu formatge? : una manera sorprenent d'afrontar el canvi en el treball i en la vida privada de Spencer Johnson
1.206 4.01 Ulisses de James Joyce
1.205 2.73 A Private Hotel for Gentle Ladies de Ellen Cooney
1.19 3.42 Embraced by the Light: The Most Profound and Complete Near-Death Experience Ever de Betty J. Eadie
1.186 3.59 Joan Salvador Gavina de Richard Bach
1.177 3.67 If I Had My Life to Live Over, I Would Pick More Daisies de Sandra Haldeman Martz
1.175 3.4 The Princessa : Machiavelli for Women de Harriet Rubin
1.173 3.73 Oldest Living Confederate Widow Tells All de Allan Gurganus
1.171 3.52 Saratoga Trunk de Edna Ferber
1.166 3.15 Mr. Potter de Jamaica Kincaid
1.165 3.53 El codi Da Vinci de Dan Brown
1.16 3.8 Moby Dick de Herman Melville
1.149 3.52 Chicken Soup for the Soul: 101 Stories to Open the Heart and Rekindle the Spirit de Jack Canfield
1.147 3.76 Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas de James Patterson
1.146 3.01 Heavenly Date & Other Flirtations de Alexander McCall Smith
1.145 3.26 The Virgin of Bennington de Kathleen Norris
1.145 3.8 Hammond Atlas of the World de Hammond Incorporated
1.143 3.12 Leadership Secrets of Attila the Hun de Wess Roberts
1.138 3.53 Ageless Body, Timeless Mind: The Quantum Alternative to Growing Old de Deepak Chopra
1.137 3.54 Roxanna Slade de Reynolds Price
1.136 3.15 Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus: The Classic Guide to Understanding the Opposite Sex de John Gray
1.136 3.33 Aristotle and an Aardvark Go to Washington: Understanding Political Doublespeak Through Philosophy and Jokes de Thomas Cathcart
1.128 3.78 El vigilant en el camp de sègol de J. D. Salinger
1.121 3.94 La Conxorxa dels ximples de John Kennedy Toole
1.117 3.68 Henry IV, Parts 1 & 2 de William Shakespeare
1.114 3.28 White Cargo: The Forgotten History of Britain's White Slaves in America de Don Jordan
1.114 3.34 Are You Somebody?: The Accidental Memoir of a Dublin Woman de Nuala O'Faolain
1.114 2.87 Girls in Trucks de Katie Crouch
1.114 3.16 What Happened: Inside the Bush White House and Washington's Culture of Deception de Scott McClellan
1.113 3.58 The New York Public Library Science Desk Reference de Patricia Barnes-Svarney
1.11 3.14 The Law of Love de Laura Esquivel
1.106 4.17 How Children Fail de John Holt
1.102 3.3 How to Work With Angels de Elizabeth Clare Prophet
1.101 3.5 Russian Phrasebook de James Jenkin
1.098 2.9 L'Affaire de Diane Johnson
1.097 3.68 Les cinc persones que trobaràs al cel de Mitch Albom
1.095 3.5 The Book of Salt de Monique Truong
1.095 3.71 Retrat de l'artista adolescent de James Joyce
1.09 3.88 Al far de Virginia Woolf
1.089 3.31 Ya-Yas in Bloom de Rebecca Wells
1.087 3.4 The South Beach Diet: The Delicious, Doctor-Designed, Foolproof Plan for Fast and Healthy Weight Loss de Arthur Agatston
1.086 3.44 A Book of Angels: Reflections on Angels Past and Present, and True Stories of How They Touch Our Lives de Sophy Burnham
1.084 3.4 Life's Little Instruction Book de H. Jackson Brown Jr.
1.083 3.24 A Southern Family de Gail Godwin
1.082 3.75 Tres tasses de te : la missió d'un home per promoure la pau... una escola per a aquest temps de Greg Mortenson
1.082 3.45 The Prairie de James Fenimore Cooper
1.081 3.43 Sammy's Hill de Kristin Gore
1.08 3.24 Winner of the National Book Award: A Novel of Fame, Honor, and Really Bad Weather de Jincy Willett
1.079 3.6 The Closing of the American Mind de Allan Bloom
1.079 3.68 Drop Dead Beautiful de Jackie Collins
1.077 3.54 Bias: A CBS Insider Exposes How the Media Distort the News de Bernard Goldberg
1.075 3.83 Els dimarts amb Morrie de Mitch Albom
1.074 3.46 JFK: Reckless Youth de Nigel Hamilton
1.073 3.67 One Thousand White Women: The Journals of May Dodd de Jim Fergus
1.073 2.92 The Road Ahead de Bill Gates
1.072 3.93 The Pig Who Sang to the Moon de Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson
1.067 3.1 The Thrall's Tale de Judith Lindbergh
1.067 3.84 A Pocket Book of Modern Verse de Oscar Williams
1.065 3.91 Beloved de Toni Morrison
1.064 3.77 El vell i la mar de Ernest Hemingway
1.062 3.53 Baby of the Family de Tina McElroy Ansa
1.061 3.61 A Long Way from Home: Growing Up in the American Heartland de Tom Brokaw
1.061 3.66 Titus Andrònic de William Shakespeare
1.06 3.76 How to Survive the Loss of a Love de Peter McWilliams
1.057 4.21 Complete Poems of Robert Frost de Robert Frost
1.056 3.71 Romeu i Julieta de William Shakespeare
1.056 3.9 The Woman's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets de Barbara G. Walker
1.055 3.52 Angels: God's Secret Agents de Billy Graham
1.055 3.38 El símbol perdut de Dan Brown
1.054 3.78 DK Eyewitness Travel Guides: Dublin de Tim Perry
1.053 3.68 A Brilliant Solution: Inventing the American Constitution de Carol Berkin
1.052 3.41 Portuguese Irregular Verbs de Alexander McCall Smith
1.052 3.22 Practical Research: Planning and Design de Paul D. Leedy
1.052 3.61 Pissing in the Snow and Other Ozark Folktales de Vance Randolph
1.05 3.65 The Hope de Herman Wouk
1.049 3.53 Dones enamorades de D. H. Lawrence
1.049 3.72 Heart of Darkness and The Secret Sharer de Joseph Conrad
1.048 3.08 How to Make People Like You in 90 Seconds or Less de Nicholas Boothman
1.047 3.9 Webster's New World Dictionary de David B. Guralnik
1.046 3.56 In the Beauty of the Lilies de John Updike
1.046 4.03 Theory of Literature de René Wellek
1.046 3.7 Dave Barry's Gift Guide to End All Gift Guides de Dave Barry
1.044 3.54 Passages: Predictable Crises of Adult Life de Gail Sheehy
1.041 3.41 The Angel's Promise de Frederic Lenoir
1.039 3.52 The Centaur in the Garden de Moacyr Scliar
1.039 3.45 Zapp! The Lightning of Empowerment: How to Improve Quality, Productivity, and Employee Satisfaction de William C. Byham
1.039 3.6 For Kings and Planets: A Novel de Ethan Canin
1.038 4.01 Let Us Now Praise Famous Men de James Agee
1.037 3.65 Un día más y un dolar menos de Terry McMillan
1.037 3.54 Seraglio de Janet Wallach
1.037 3.74 The Satanic Verses de Salman Rushdie
1.036 3.87 El déu de les coses petites de Arundhati Roy
1.036 3.77 MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers de Joseph Gibaldi
1.035 3.38 Clotel: Or, The President's Daughter: A Narrative of Slave Life in the United States de William Wells Brown
1.033 3.77 Paradís de Toni Morrison
1.033 3.54 Future Shock de Alvin Toffler
1.032 3.25 The Girls' Guide to Hunting and Fishing de Melissa Bank
1.032 3.31 Enric VIII de William Shakespeare
1.031 3.86 Mrs Dalloway de Virginia Woolf
1.031 3.6 A Journey to the End of the Millennium de A. B. Yehoshua
1.03 3.81 The Path to Love: Renewing the Power of Spirit in Your Life de Deepak Chopra
1.03 4.02 Women Who Run with the Wolves: Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype de Clarissa Pinkola Estes
1.03 3.85 El gran Gatsby de F. Scott Fitzgerald
1.029 3.43 Love, Loss, and What I Wore de Ilene Beckerman
1.028 4.01 ...And the Ladies of the Club de Helen Hooven Santmyer
1.027 4.21 The Book of Awakening: Having the Life You Want by Being Present to the Life You Have de Mark Nepo
1.027 3.55 La Granja de John Grisham
1.027 3.7 The Lovely Bones de Alice Sebold
1.026 3.53 The Innocent Man: Murder and Injustice in a Small Town de John Grisham
1.025 3.63 In Search of Excellence: Lessons from America's Best-Run Companies de Thomas J. Peters
1.024 3.97 El Timbal de llauna de Günter Grass
1.024 3.68 The World Is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century de Thomas L. Friedman
1.023 3.67 The Finer Points of Sausage Dogs de Alexander McCall Smith
1.022 3.52 Athenais: The Real Queen of France de Lisa Hilton
1.021 3.47 Ravelstein de Saul Bellow
1.021 3.19 A punta de dia de Ernest Hemingway
1.02 3.3 Coastliners de Joanne Harris
1.019 3.77 Notes to Myself: My Struggle to Become a Person de Hugh Prather
1.019 3.98 Simple Abundance: A Daybook of Comfort and Joy de Sarah Ban Breathnach
1.017 4.11 The Complete Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway de Ernest Hemingway
1.016 3.53 The Lexus and the Olive Tree: Understanding Globalization de Thomas L. Friedman
1.016 3.58 Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood de Rebecca Wells
1.016 3.65 The Crucible: A Play in Four Acts de Arthur Miller
1.015 3.5 The Tin Can Tree de Anne Tyler
1.015 3.66 On the Occasion of My Last Afternoon de Kaye Gibbons
1.014 3.61 Losing Battles de Eudora Welty
1.014 4 Geek Love de Katherine Dunn
1.013 3.43 The Last Reader de David Toscana
1.013 3.75 House of Sand and Fog de Andre Dubus III
1.012 3.96 I Been in Sorrow's Kitchen and Licked Out All the Pots de Susan Straight
1.01 3.79 Six Centuries of Great Poetry: A Stunning Collection of Classic British Poems from Chaucer to Yeats de Robert Penn Warren
1.01 3.73 Love Walked In de Marisa de los Santos
1.01 3.29 L'Edat d'or de Gore Vidal
1.01 4.17 Cent anys de solitud de Gabriel Garcia Marquez
1.009 3.75 Five Sisters: The Langhornes of Virginia de James Fox
1.009 3.24 The Game de A.S. Byatt
1.009 3.5 The Pill Book de Harold M. Silverman
1.008 3.93 Història de dues ciutats de Charles Dickens
1.008 3.88 Grans esperances de Charles Dickens
1.008 3.33 Madame Bovary's Ovaries: A Darwinian Look at Literature de David P. Barash
1.007 3.65 Golden Country de Jennifer Gilmore
1.007 3.66 A Woman's Worth de Marianne Williamson
1.005 3.71 L'Amansiment de l'harpia de William Shakespeare
1.004 3.82 Cold Mountain de Charles Frazier
1.004 4.12 El raïm de la ira de John Steinbeck
1.003 4 The Warden / Barchester Towers de Anthony Trollope
1.003 3.69 Mysteries of the Unexplained de Carroll C. Calkins
1.003 3.77 The Hand I Fan With de Tina McElroy Ansa
1.003 3.64 Necessary Losses de Judith Viorst
1.001 3.85 El Doctor Givago de Boris Pasternak
1.001 3.48 Juneteenth de Ralph Ellison
0.999 3.9 Història de Pi de Yann Martel
0.999 3.63 The Doctor's Book of Home Remedies: Thousands of Tips and Techniques Anyone Can Use to Heal Everyday Health Problems de Prevention Magazine Editors
0.999 3.52 Autobiografia de la meva mare de Jamaica Kincaid
0.998 3.95 L'amor en els temps del còlera de Gabriel Garcia Marquez
0.997 3.67 Politics de Aristotle
0.997 4 Invisible Man de Ralph Ellison
0.997 3.78 I Lost Everything in the Post-Natal Depression de Erma Bombeck
0.997 3.23 The Family de Kitty Kelley
0.997 3.88 Journeys of a Lifetime: 500 of the World's Greatest Trips de National Geographic
0.996 3.92 The Hero Within Six Archetypes We Live By de Carol S. Pearson
0.996 4.02 Peace Like a River de Leif Enger
0.996 3.72 Green Mansions de W. H. Hudson
0.995 3.58 Wordstruck de Robert MacNeil
0.994 3.44 Enslaved by Ducks de Bob Tarte
0.992 3.8 Improv Wisdom: Don't Prepare, Just Show Up de Patricia Ryan Madson
0.991 3.48 American Soldier de Tommy Franks
0.991 4.02 Mason & Dixon de Thomas Pynchon
0.991 3.9 Retrat d'una dama de Henry James
0.991 3.52 A Corner in the Marais: Memoir of a Paris Neighborhood de Alex Karmel
0.991 3.36 One Last Dance de Eileen Goudge
0.991 3.74 Una música constant de Vikram Seth
0.99 3.87 The Shipping News de E. Annie Proulx
0.989 3.92 Same Kind of Different As Me: A Modern-Day Slave, an International Art Dealer, and the Unlikely Woman Who Bound Them Together de Ron Hall
0.989 3.77 The Liars' Club: A Memoir de Mary Karr
0.989 4.06 La carretera de Cormac McCarthy
0.989 3.84 Babel Tower de A.S. Byatt
0.989 3.88 An Exaltation of Larks de James Lipton
0.988 3.21 Foreign Babes in Beijing: Behind the Scenes of a New China de Rachel DeWoskin
0.988 4.23 Turning to One Another: Simple Conversations to Restore Hope to the Future de Margaret J. Wheatley
0.988 3.89 Les Aventures d'en Huckleberry Finn de Mark Twain
0.987 3.16 The Biographer's Tale de A.S. Byatt
0.987 3.82 The Innocents Abroad de Mark Twain
0.986 4.28 On the Pulse of Morning de Maya Angelou
0.986 3.67 Conte d'Hivern de William Shakespeare
0.985 3.26 The Sunday Philosophy Club de Alexander McCall Smith
0.985 3.43 Echo House de Ward Just
0.985 3.95 At Home in Mitford de Jan Karon
0.984 3.95 Beach Music de Pat Conroy
0.983 3.86 Tom Jones de Henry Fielding
0.983 3.52 Mexico de James A. Michener
0.982 4.03 The Heart Aroused : Poetry and the Preservation of the Soul in Corporate America de David Whyte
0.982 3.63 Enric VI de William Shakespeare
0.982 3.62 The Enchantress of Florence de Salman Rushdie
0.982 4.01 The Book of Kells : An Illustrated Introduction to the Manuscript in Trinity College, Dublin de Bernard Meehan
0.981 4.03 The Red Tent de Anita Diamant
0.981 3.37 Little Altars Everywhere de Rebecca Wells
0.981 3.82 The American Heritage Picture History of World War II de C. L. Sulzberger
0.981 3.66 Funny in Farsi: A Memoir of Growing Up Iranian in America de Firoozeh Dumas
0.98 4.1 Maya Angelou: Poems de Maya Angelou
0.98 3.67 A Natural History Of Love de Diane Ackerman
0.98 3.77 The Way Forward Is with a Broken Heart de Alice Walker
0.98 3.61 In Country de Bobbie Ann Mason
0.98 3.58 Coriolà de William Shakespeare
0.98 3.87 First Things First : To Live, to Love, to Learn, to Leave a Legacy de Stephen R. Covey
0.979 3.64 Sex With Kings de Eleanor Herman
0.979 3.42 The Heat of the Day de Elizabeth Bowen
0.979 3.57 Coromandel Sea Change de Rumer Godden
0.979 3.96 Enric V de William Shakespeare
0.979 3.69 Is Sex Necessary?: Or Why You Feel the Way You Do de James Thurber
0.978 3.74 True Colors de Kristin Hannah
0.978 3.93 Expiació de Ian McEwan
0.978 3.68 Leadership Is an Art de Max De Pree
0.976 3.25 How Stella Got Her Groove Back de Terry McMillan
0.976 3.41 David Brinkley: A Memoir de David Brinkley
0.976 3.99 Their Eyes Were Watching God de Zora Neale Hurston
0.975 3.31 Pericles de William Shakespeare
0.975 3.66 Soul on Ice de Eldridge Cleaver
0.974 4.13 Desiderata de Max Ehrmann
0.973 3.97 One Hundred and One Famous Poems de Roy J. Cook
0.972 3.55 I Remember Nothing: and Other Reflections de Nora Ephron
0.971 3.65 Now and Forever: Somewhere a Band Is Playing & Leviathan '99 de Ray Bradbury
0.971 3.8 Women's Ways of Knowing: The Development of Self, Voice, and Mind de Mary Field Belenky
0.97 3.94 The Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám de Omar Khayyám
0.97 3.58 Aquest costat del paradís de F. Scott Fitzgerald
0.969 3.77 Cane de Jean Toomer
0.968 4.15 The Elements of Style de William Jr. Strunk
0.968 3.69 To Marry an English Lord de Gail MacColl
0.968 3.15 The Grits (Girls Raised In The South) Guide to Life de Deborah Ford
0.968 3.6 La Comèdia dels errors de William Shakespeare
0.968 3.64 Love de Toni Morrison
0.967 3.7 The Virgin in the Garden de A.S. Byatt
0.967 3.74 Juli Cèsar de William Shakespeare
0.967 3.44 Les Alegres casades de Windsor de William Shakespeare
0.967 2.93 The Complete Prophecies of Nostradamus de Nostradamus
0.967 3.67 The Greatest Generation de Tom Brokaw
0.966 3.58 The Two Mrs. Grenvilles de Dominick Dunne
0.966 3.43 The 2,548 Best Things Anybody Ever Said de Robert Byrne
0.966 3.68 Els caçadors de mamuts de Jean M. Auel
0.965 4.03 Song of Solomon de Toni Morrison
0.965 3.37 Fire with Fire: The New Female Power and How It Will Change the 21st Century de Naomi Wolf
0.965 3.49 Treball d'amor perdut de William Shakespeare
0.965 3.58 Vineland de Thomas Pynchon
0.964 3.43 Charming Billy de Alice McDermott
0.964 3.86 Enric IV : primera part de William Shakespeare
0.964 3.66 Jazz de Toni Morrison
0.964 3.2 When you ride alone you ride with bin Laden : What the government should be telling us to help fight the war on terrorism de Bill Maher
0.964 3.53 The Witch of Exmoor de Margaret Drabble
0.963 4.1 Hoja de hierba de Walt Whitman
0.963 3.97 Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap... and Others Don't de Jim Collins
0.963 3.58 Louisa May Alcott: A Personal Biography de Susan Cheever
0.962 3.7 Consequences de Penelope Lively
0.962 3.77 El Mercader de Venècia de William Shakespeare
0.962 3.41 Listening to Prozac de Peter D. Kramer
0.962 3.57 Cultural Literacy: What Every American Needs to Know de E.D. Hirsch Jr.
0.96 3.8 No Angel de Penny Vincenzi
0.96 3.47 Bone de Fae Myenne Ng
0.96 3.49 The Fall of a Sparrow de Robert Hellenga
0.96 3.99 Ricard III de William Shakespeare
0.959 3.78 Ricard II de William Shakespeare
0.959 4 Love Poems & Sonnets of William Shakespeare de William Shakespeare
0.959 3.92 The Bluest Eye de Toni Morrison
0.959 3.45 The Last Tycoon de F. Scott Fitzgerald
0.958 3.99 Llum d'Agost de William Faulkner
0.958 3.45 The Royals de Kitty Kelley
0.958 3.72 Tendra és la nit de F. Scott Fitzgerald
0.958 3.65 1,000 Places to See Before You Die de Patricia Schultz
0.957 3.48 The Sixth Lamentation de William Brodrick
0.957 3.96 John Brown's Body de Stephen Vincent Benét
0.957 3.38 Reader's Digest Atlas of the Bible de Editors of Readers Digest
0.957 3.61 Empire de Gore Vidal
0.957 3.7 El Lector de Bernhard Schlink
0.956 3.54 Prairie Nocturne de Ivan Doig
0.956 3.95 Native Son de Richard Wright
0.956 3.74 You Just Don't Understand: Women and Men in Conversation de Deborah Tannen
0.956 3.83 Like Water for Chocolate de Laura Esquivel
0.955 3.45 Living History de Hillary Rodham Clinton
0.955 3.96 Ocells d'Amèrica de Lorrie Moore
0.954 3.44 A bon fi, tot li és camí de William Shakespeare
0.954 4.04 The Dollmaker de Harriette Arnow
0.954 3.61 Breathing Lessons de Anne Tyler
0.953 4.03 Foxfire 2: Ghost Stories, Spring Wild Plant Foods, Spinning and Weaving, Midwifing, Burial Customs, Corn Shuckin's, Wagon Making and More Affairs of Plain Living de Eliot Wigginton
0.953 3.66 Mesura per mesura de William Shakespeare
0.952 3.29 Timon d'Atenes de William Shakespeare
0.952 4.07 Miniature rooms : the Thorne rooms at the Art Institute of Chicago de Fannia Weingartner
0.951 3.93 L'Assassí cec de Margaret Atwood
0.951 3.76 Viatge a l'Índia de E. M. Forster
0.95 4.14 A Dictionary of Modern English Usage de H.W. Fowler
0.95 3.76 Al vostre gust de William Shakespeare
0.949 4.1 Mary Chesnut's Civil War de Mary Chesnut
0.949 3.87 La fira de les vanitats de William Makepeace Thackeray
0.949 3.4 The Evening News de Arthur Hailey
0.948 3.91 The Secret Life of Bees de Sue Monk Kidd
0.948 3.95 The Girl Who Loved Wild Horses de Paul Goble
0.948 3.8 Eats, Shoots & Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation de Lynne Truss
0.948 3.28 Ghost Country de Sara Paretsky
0.948 4.06 El Rei Lear de William Shakespeare
0.947 3.36 La Dona del pilot de Anita Shreve
0.946 3.5 At the Villa of Reduced Circumstances de Alexander McCall Smith
0.946 4.03 When My Name Was Keoko de Linda Sue Park
0.945 3.77 Against the Gods: The Remarkable Story of Risk de Peter L. Bernstein
0.945 3.43 Revenge of the Middle-Aged Woman de Elizabeth Buchan
0.945 3.9 Growing Up de Russell Baker
0.944 3.98 El pajaro espino de Colleen McCullough
0.944 3.74 The Purpose of Christmas de Rick Warren
0.944 3.93 The Return of the Native de Thomas Hardy
0.944 3.77 A Reporter's Life de Walter Cronkite
0.943 3.62 The Forest Lover de Susan Vreeland
0.941 3.65 Return to Laughter: An Anthropological Novel (The Natural History Library) de Elenore Smith Bowen
0.941 3.78 The Beauty Myth: How Images of Beauty Are Used Against Women de Naomi Wolf
0.941 3.67 Lucia, Lucia de Adriana Trigiani
0.94 3.37 Living Faith de Jimmy Carter
0.94 4.01 Where the Bluebird Sings to the Lemonade Springs: Living and Writing in the West de Wallace Stegner
0.94 3.97 Otel·lo de William Shakespeare
0.94 3.85 L'Art d'estimar de Erich Fromm
0.939 4.01 Macbeth de William Shakespeare
0.939 3.85 Too Late the Phalarope de Alan Paton
0.939 3.4 Emily Post: Daughter of the Gilded Age, Mistress of American Manners de Laura P. Claridge
0.939 3.87 El Màgic d'Oz de L. Frank Baum
0.939 3.65 Cherry: A Memoir de Mary Karr
0.938 3.52 Cimbelí de William Shakespeare
0.938 3.84 Sula de Toni Morrison
0.937 3.91 Possessing the Secret of Joy de Alice Walker
0.937 3.66 F in Exams: The Very Best Totally Wrong Test Answers de Richard Benson
0.937 3.6 Morgan's Passing de Anne Tyler
0.937 3.7 Hot, Flat, and Crowded: Why We Need a Green Revolution and How It Can Renew America de Thomas L. Friedman
0.936 4.27 Gone with the Wind de Margaret Mitchell
0.936 4.14 Anna Karènina de Leo Tolstoy
0.936 4.24 A Prayer for Owen Meany de John Irving
0.935 3.41 America's Queen: The Life of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis de Sarah Bradford
0.935 3.56 La filla de l'optimista de Eudora Welty
0.934 3.5 Aus migratòries de Marianne Fredriksson
0.934 3.74 The Grass Is Always Greener Over the Septic Tank de Erma Bombeck
0.933 3.73 Antony and Cleopatra de William Shakespeare
0.932 3.34 Unwise Passions: A True Story of a Remarkable Woman---and the First Great Scandal of Eighteenth-Century America de Alan Pell Crawford
0.931 4.27 STRANGE DREAMS: Collected Stories & Drawings de Brian Andreas
0.931 3.92 Life on the Mississippi de Mark Twain
0.93 4.09 A Girl of the Limberlost de Gene Stratton-Porter
0.93 3.73 Antony and Cleopatra de Colleen McCullough
0.929 3.76 March de Geraldine Brooks
0.929 4.11 All the King's Men de Robert Penn Warren
0.928 3.37 Mitla Pass de Leon Uris
0.928 3.92 Cold Sassy Tree de Olive Ann Burns
0.928 4.08 A Christmas Carol / The Chimes / The Cricket on the Hearth de Charles Dickens
0.927 4 Les Cendres d'Angela de Frank McCourt
0.927 3.51 Uppity Women of Ancient Times de Vicki Leon
0.926 3.83 La dona del tinent francès de John Fowles
0.926 4.15 A Cup of Christmas Tea de Tom Hegg
0.925 3.85 The Moor's Last Sigh de Salman Rushdie
0.925 4.1 La joia de viure la natura: el diari d'Edith Holden de Edith Holden
0.925 3.63 The Rise of the Creative Class: And How It's Transforming Work, Leisure, Community and Everyday Life de Richard Florida
0.925 4.21 Jane Eyre de Charlotte Brontë
0.924 3.41 The Broker de John Grisham
0.924 3.93 The Rector of Justin de Louis Auchincloss
0.923 3.85 Mules and Men de Zora Neale Hurston
0.922 3.84 Alaska de James A. Michener
0.922 3.94 Un món feliç de Aldous Huxley
0.922 4.21 Fidelity: Five Stories de Wendell Berry
0.922 4.04 Gift from the Sea de Anne Morrow Lindbergh
0.922 3.57 The Clock Winder de Anne Tyler
0.922 3.61 Lake Wobegon Days de Garrison Keillor
0.922 3.62 AMA Family Medical Guide de American M... Association
0.921 4.23 The Velveteen Rabbit de Margery Williams
0.92 3.33 Our Kind of People: Inside America's Black Upper Class de Lawrence Otis Graham
0.92 3.76 Snow Falling on Cedars de David Guterson
0.919 4.16 Hamlet de William Shakespeare
0.919 4.24 Phenomenal Woman: Four Poems Celebrating Women de Maya Angelou
0.919 3.44 Mysteries of the Ancient World de National Geographic Society (U. S.) Special Public
0.919 4.06 The Way the Crow Flies de Ann-Marie MacDonald
0.918 4.1 Escorxador-5 de Kurt Vonnegut
0.918 3.7 The Road to Oz de L. Frank Baum
0.917 3.71 Hypocrite in a Pouffy White Dress de Susan Jane Gilman
0.917 3.75 Becoming Laura Ingalls Wilder: The Woman Behind the Legend de John E. Miller
0.917 3.72 Plan B 2.0: Rescuing a Planet Under Stress and a Civilization in Trouble de Lester R. Brown
0.917 3.88 Still Life de A.S. Byatt
0.917 3.2 An Indecent Obsession de Colleen McCullough
0.917 4.07 Molt soroll per res de William Shakespeare
0.917 3.93 Miss Julia Strikes Back de Ann B. Ross
0.917 3.9 L'Alcalde de Casterbridge de Thomas Hardy
0.916 3.82 Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community de Robert D. Putnam
0.916 4.12 Savage Inequalities: Children in America's Schools de Jonathan Kozol
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